Cowans Gap State Park



Oct 24, 2013
I'll be camping there this weekend and just was looking out for any insight on what the fishing is like either on the lake on in the South(?) Branch of Aughwick creek.

I'm under the impression that it is more or less a run of the mill put in and take type stream that is very common in state parks with lake outflows. As a matter of fact, in my minds eye I picture it a bit like Poe Creek in poe paddy.

I wont be able to do much driving to nearby places to fish but if anyone has any advice they are willing to share, it is much appreciated.
The SB above the lake is nice. Good water quality since the PFBC stocks only brookies.
Thank you for that info hopefully the weather will be halfway decent and the creek will not be totally blown out by saturday or sunday. Even if it is, i can always give the lake a shot.
Just as an update, I did not end up finding the time to fish but I did take a hike with my girlfriend along the stream. It was a day or two after the heavy rain came through the area and although the stream did not seem too high it was moving rather swiftly. The creek upstream of the lake did indeed look pretty fishy as well and I do regret at least not giving it a shot.

A very nice park as well.