COVID 19 fly



Jun 30, 2015
Somebody in another forum, "I wonder if anyone has tied a COVID-19 fly?" I thought that I might be able to make one, so I gave it a go. Here it is. Now I'm wondering if it would catch a fish as easily as people catch the virus... Probably not!


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This guy made one also and hammered NZ browns on it
on YouTube, Trout Hunting NZ has a video showing him catch a huge brown on a Corona fly
I think this is sick and should be removed.
Nice , that's cool looking . How did you make the legs ?
Thanks, I cut short sections of Amnesia running line and held the sections one at a time in a pair of tweezers. I then used a lighter to burn each end and while the burned end was still warm, I pressed the molten end against flat metal surface of my tying scissors to flatten the edges.

I figured I could use the Amnesia to do this because I saw Davie McPhail do a similar method to make eyes for a Caddis pupa fly. He used a section of green monofilament burned on both ends to make a set of “dumbbell” eyes. He doesn’t press the ends against a flat surface though. Here is a link to that video, it’s an impressive tie! I’ve made a few and caught so fish on them, but it is not a quick tie by any means.

The “eye-part” is about 3:40 into the video.

Davie McPhail - Caddis Pupa Video

Thats an awesome tie and looks really clean but the time involved knowing I'm going to stick it to a rock makes it a hard no for me dawg

Super creative melting the amnesia though great job math, now you gotta catch a fish with it!
I’ve made a few and caught so fish on them, but it is not a quick tie by any means.

Are you saying you caught a bunch on your COVID fly or that was the McPhail the you caught 'em on?
I caught a bunch on the McPhail fly.

I went out and tried the virus fly last Thursday, but the water was up and muddy, so the fishing was slow (for me at least). I managed to hook into on on the covid fly, but it was a fish too smart for me! I had ilthe fish on for probably a minute, but that fish got into some fast water and then went downstream of me, I saw it was hooked in the mouth, but when it got downstream of me I tried to work the fish into the slow water on the stream bank, but it gave some serious head shakes and spit the fly. So, I haven’t caught any on the covid fly as of yet, only had one “near” catch...
Hey you had an eat good enough for me
This is hilarious.