Couple Questions



Aug 25, 2016
Do stocked trout have an innate knowledge to eat bugs?

Can stocked trout starve eating only midges?

Is there a net energy gain for trout rising aggressively to a midge?

1) I would imagine some. I seem to remember a certain famous creek getting stocked with a certain type of brown because they tend to "look up".
The creek has little in hatches though :lol:
Id imagine some of that transfers over to stocked trout, but the gene pool on those stocked fish is certainly odd. You have browns that look like tigers almost by spotting and patriot trouts. Yuck!

2) dunno.

3)yes has to be. Otherwise they wouldnt do it at all. There are extended periods on certain creeks i know that fish will midge almost exclusively.
1. YES...
2. why this question? What body of water are you referring to? i think all bodies of water have more food than just midges...some sources my have limited food options and if so trout aint picky and will eat anything to survive
3. depends....are they gonna rise to 1 or 50? calculated risk huh? how far are they rising?

Most trout eating midges at the surface/film are already at or near the surface for an extended period of need to "rise" too far (think trikes)
they are probably eating way more pupa right in front of their face a foot below

come on BOPS...i need more info on why you came up with these questions....give us that and we will provide.

Bopper wrote:
Do stocked trout have an innate knowledge to eat bugs?

Stocked trout try to eat just about everything they can get in their mouths. For what it's worth, I've also cleaned stocked trout that had multiple crayfish and minnows in their gut. There's definitely some level of hard wired predator behavior in stocked trout. It's just they eat some really stupid stuff at times. On that note, wild fish eat dumb stuff too.
A trout rising takes little energy, nothing more than a turn of a fin. Think about the wing of an airplane.