Corbet benefiting from our loss



New member
Dec 28, 2010
Has anybody heard that our distinguished Governor Tom Corbet has put into place a procedure where punishing Marcellus shale gas extracting companies who violate E.P.A. standards CANNOT be fined or reprimanded until brought in front of and cleared by two top E.P.A. officials and him personally? There were roughly 2500 violations last year alone without these ridiculous leniencies, think of the amount of red tape need to be cut for these violations to be recognized and fined. Is it not bad enough that these companies are operating tax-free in our state (the only state that isn’t taxing these companies’ thanks entirely to GOV. Corbet), they seemingly are above punishment for almost certain irreparable damages to our rivers, streams, lakes, ETC. I am sure many will agree with me that his decision is in no way a result of well over one million donated to his campaign for office, we need to write our congressmen and local newspapers, do whatever it takes to get this knowledge into circulation. This man is as crooked as they come.
It's the DEP not the EPA. Corbett doesn't have any power in the EPA, there federal.