Cool Trout Photos



Active member
Sep 16, 2006
Dick, those are some terrific underwater shots. I had to wait to get on a faster computer to view them because mine was taking too long to transition from each pic. :)
They are really great Jack, I didn't notice till after I posted the link that it is a commercial site, if it is in violation someone can scrub it?? Or I can!!! ShouldI or not?? Thanks. Sure is great fly tying weather 17 degrees at 10:45 AM
I think nearly every link on the net has a commercial aspect. I don't think that alone disqualifies it. When we are sharing information as our primary intent, I believe it is fair game. Most times, it is clear when someone is advertising and when they are not.
Beautiful. Thanks.

Don;t you dare remove that link. As far as i am concerned you just made that guy a sale. Those images are stunning. thanks for sharing your find.
i am not so sure they are ACTUAL photos
I think this guy has inspired me! I have several sets of snorkeling gear and a sealife reefmaster camera my wife bought me a few years ago. I've used it, but without the external flash it's useless in all but the clearest waters, which are too cold in this area, even in August. I think I might borrow my buddy's wetsuit and try again this year. It is really cool to walk up to a stream, see all the fish, then jump in and realize that you saw like 1/20th of all the life going on down there. Only problem is after 20 minutes my camera fogs up and my thoughts get a little silly, so I hafta stop. Oddly enough, the trout don't seem nearly as sared as when you are on the surface. They stay easily within arms reach. Unless you reach. Then they move 1/16th of an inch away from your fingertips. LOL. I'll try to dig up some old pics, but if I remember correctly, they weren't that great for the most part.

Re: actual photographs--

I did get the impression that some of the photos had been touched up a bit, particular the brookie pictures.

Re: Fish Scared By Snorkelers

I read once that a large percent of a fish's predatory threat comes from above the water, so they are less likely to worry about something in the water. Besides, they can swim too.,13355,1575804_0,00.html

Here is a link to an article about a guy that observed several things while underwater with trout. It's pretty interesting. Some of the info is obvious but still interesting. Reinforces what Jack read.