Cool trick



Well-known member
Jun 1, 2015
I recently had a guide share this with me and it's the best advice I've ever gotten for when a trout gets below and is running down river. I've landed two pretty good fish doing this. I'm convinced I would have lost them if I wasn't able to stop them from getting down into faster water. All you do is take your rod tip down as deep into the water as you can get it. It stops the fish instantly and you begin to reel up slowly. I have no idea why it works, the only thing I can figure is that there is something about keeping line out of the surface of the faster moving water. I was shocked at what a difference this makes, you learn something new every day.
It works no doubt. The fish feel less pressure because the line is in a slower section of water. It also keeps the fish in slower portion of the water column.
I have learned a while ago about something I called "side pressure" when trying to land large steelhead on the Salmon River. Just hold your rod low and the fish will not feel like its head is being pulled unnaturally upwards by the line.

I use this when working a musky too, but since that is usually from a boat it is easier to hold the rod tip down below the water. Holding a rod tip up high has little advantage in landing fish.
Thanks! Definitely will have to try this and 'hopefully' not break my rod tip :)