Conewago and Muddy Creeks "Promotion"



Jan 28, 2007
When did Muddy Creek (York Co) and Conewago Creek (Adams Co) get promoted to CRFFO from DH? What precipitated the changes? As you might surmise, it's been a while since I have fished them.

Thanks in advance.
PFBC changed them several years ago when they dropped DH FFO water from their regs. They changed all DH FFO to CR FFO.
Thanks. I'll pay closer attention in the future.
MD_Gene wrote:
When did Muddy Creek (York Co) and Conewago Creek (Adams Co) get promoted to CRFFO from DH? What precipitated the changes?

As Chaz pointed out, it was a result of a regulations consolidation a few years ago, I'd guess the change was about 2000-2004(?).

Speaking for Conewago, I think this was actually a poor "promotion" and it should have remained delayed harvest IMO. This section of Conewago does not support trout over the summer (there are some very rare exceptions during wet years like 2009) and lacks cold water refuge so the fish die off usually by about mid July. It made better sense to harvest those fish. In past years, Conewago was FFO with the harvests of three 9" fish during regular trout season and then it went to DH probably about 20 years ago(?) I liked the change to DH, but year round C&R is not for Conewago in my view.
Conewago in Adams co has a healthy population of wild Browns and rainbows. I have been fishing there and have caught some beautiful wild fish. I am referring to the upper, very rocky, fast section. I caught my biggest brown last week, a 22" brown. Huge head, slim body. Looks like an old fish that my not have much longer. Beautiful colors and wild. The wild rainbows are beautiful with almost tiger markings consistent with wild rainbows. This section is also a private section.
If thats the private section, isn't it stocked by the club that owns/manages it?