

Jul 21, 2007
How do you tie them? I have been tying them using online instructions.
1. Tie in two microfibetts for tails
2. Tie in deer hair wing
3. Dub.

I don't have any microfibetts for the tail so I tried using two deer hairs..they are too brittle and always break off. I've seen pictures of these flies without tails. Do they really need tails?
Yeah, it will help create the "spinner" profile and help float the back end of the fly. But you don't have to use microfibbets.

I've used z-lon to create an emerger profile. If you still want to make a spinner, you can use hackle fibers if you have a cape and can pull them off the large spade feathers, you can use hacle stems if you don't. I've use tippet material in a pinch (7x). I've used rubber legs which I thought would be really effective, but isn't any more or less so that I can tell.
I haven't started to tie dry flies except for comparaduns, and I don't have many materials since im new at this. I might just use the tippet like you said...would I use a clump of tippet pieces or just two and split them?
Dear chstrcty,

They do need a tail. You can use a couple of pieces of deer body hair for each side tied split, or like Padraic said you can tie a sparse tail with appropriate body colored acrylic yarn as a trailing shuck to sort of make and emerger/cripple combination.

If you don't have microfibbets and can't get them locally go to your local hardware store and buy a lifetime supply by buying a couple of small acrylic bristled paint brushes. You could even use natural bristled paint brushes if they are cheaper and come in a wider variety of colors.

Microfibbets are just another one of the numerous fly tying materials that were discovered by accident and repackaged at about 5000% mark-up.

Tim Murphy 🙂
Wow, now that you mentioned it, I probably have some paintbrushes that haven't been used, or I might just buy some. It's always too obvious...
I like z-lon for tails/trailing shucks too.

Hey Tim, thanks for the paintbrush tip--never would have thought of that one.