Comparadun grannom or caddis wings



Aug 14, 2008
I have seen a lot of different materials used for the comparadun wings. I want to tie some caddis and grannom types. I don't have "good" partridge or grouse hackle, just the typical stuff that you see in stores. I have tried to make this work, but It just doesn't seem to "stack" the right way. What else can I use?
To my knowledge, all of the compara style flies are tied with deer hair. You can certainly use deer hair or elk hair for caddis wings...really helps it float, too. Just ensure you don't spin the hair or over-flair it.
You would want a very fine deer hair for Comparaduns or even CDC feathers. I like to mix both into my patterns by first tying the deer hair and then the CDC behind it.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you CAN'T tie caddis as a Comparadun. Caddis are a down wing, Comparaduns are designed to immitate an upright mayfly wing and legs combo.

You can tie a a comparadun with no tail and say its a caddis...but it's just a myafly with no wings...or an incorrectly tied deer hair caddis.

The DUN in comparadun indicates the mayfly stage subimago. Thats the hatched stage after it emerges and sets on the surface film.
What Mo said.

A comparadun is basically a caddis pattern with tails and the deer hair is shorter and tied in backwards... and then sinched up with a good wad of dubbing so it stands upright.
Mo, I realize what a comparadun is imitating. I want to tie some caddis comparaduns/parachutes because I have seen plently of Caddis that are "hopping" with their wings out of the water, about to take flight, then they get eaten. I just wanted to have a different pattern for those days when the trout seem be dialed in to this stage. Hey, if it does't work, then I'll use something else. I am always willing to try something new, even though it might look goofy. I wonder how many people snickered at the first guy to ever tie a royal coachman, and I gotta say that is one ridiculous looking fly.

I think that you ought to tie what is called a "fluttering" caddis, which is the way I tie all my patterns.
It's pretty easy.
Dub the body. Tie in some deer hair - I like the finer coastal hair. Bind it down good in the front, leaving about a third of the hook shank open behind the eye. Then wind a hackle collar of about 3 turns.
I've been using this caddis style with good success for many years
That pattern sounds pretty good to me Dryflyguy. It might be exactly what I am looking for. I'll give it a whirl.
Episode 226 in season 2 does a fluttering caddis...I use deer hair for the wings, too.

Good recommondation DFG.
Maurice wrote:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you CAN'T tie caddis as a Comparadun. Caddis are a down wing, Comparaduns are designed to immitate an upright mayfly wing and legs combo.

You can tie a a comparadun with no tail and say its a caddis...but it's just a myafly with no wings...or an incorrectly tied deer hair caddis.

The DUN in comparadun indicates the mayfly stage subimago. Thats the hatched stage after it emerges and sets on the surface film.

I like the Adams. Except I tie mine with a peacock body. With gold wire rib. And use white deerhair wings and tails. Oh, and for the hackle I use a mixture of honey dun and dyed orange. Nothing like the good old Adams. :)
Here's a site to check out. I thought that I had a decent amount of caddis variations in my fly box, but this made my head spin. So many Caddis, so little time.....