Colorado Rocky Mountain High!!! (Part 2)



Active member
Nov 19, 2008
I was able to plan a second family vacation to central Colorado with my in-laws and some friends. We stayed in a modestly priced vacation rental in Buena Vista, which is a town that sits in an amazing setting with Mt. Princeton, Mt. Harvard and Mt. Yale as the back drop. We were steps away from the Arkansas River, which is a gold metal wild brown trout freestone fishery, that I had fished before at a much lower cfs rate.

This trip saw the water level at the tail end of the runoff period, which translated to 700-600 cfs, clear running water at 45 degree temps. I was able to make a lot of quick trips to the Arkansas in between family activities and meals and the fishing was spectacular. The browns were hungry from a long runoff period and they were all stacked on the banks. A well presented stimulator or elk hair caddis size 10, took a lot of eager browns, and if you attached a prince nymph dropper, the numbers went up even higher. The size was not spectacular, with the average fish between 8-10 inches, but there were plenty of 12-16in fish, which fought really hard in the high water.

I really enjoyed working with my father in law on his casting skills and fly fishing techniques, because this river was so forgiving. For a guy that works his butt off and doesn't get out much, he tore them up for an hour on Tuesday, landing 6 and hooking up about 10!!!



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On Wednesday, I booked another guided trip with Stuart Andrews of Ark Anglers Fly Shop. Stuart did an amazing job during my first trip to Colorado, in assisting my sister with the fly casting learning curve, and his knowledge and passion for the high elevation lakes in the region is undeniable. This trip, Stuart had the task of assisting my wife, and I was very excited that she agreed to take part in the high elevation fly fishing experience with me.

Once again, Stuart delivered and he put us on some amazing cutthroat. The drive and hike in was breath taking (figuratively and literally) and I will let the pictures do the talking. It took about an hour of fishing for the lake temps to rise and the fish to respond, but we had solid action from 1000 am to 1230 on some rather impressive and beautiful Colorado River/Green Back mixed strain cutties. We were run off the Alpine lake by and impending storm around 1pm but a quick lunch and a drop down to a lower lake produced more fish than we could count during the afternoon hours.

The highlight for me was my second fish. I was throwing an Elk hair caddis with a midge dropper, and I had just landed a nice 16 inch female. I saw a larger fish out on the drop off edge and I was able to launch a 50 foot cast near the path of the fish. The next thing I see is a large red snout poking up. The hook set was true, and I was near my backing in short order. As I fight the large red male and look down the bank at my wife, and the guide, I see her rod is doubled over as well. Upon landing the two cutties, she has a nice 17 inch female and I have a thick 19 inch male. A his and hers photo opportunity that I never would have believed imaginable!!!

Here are some pics with some more to follow


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Here are a few more of the cutties we got into up in the high elevation lake to include a close up of big red. The fish averaged about 14 inches up there and were stunningly colored!!!


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The last bigger solo trip that I did was to Crystal lake, which is a mid elevation lake near Leadville, which the guide indicated had a diverse population of both trout and bugs. He indicated that it would be a good lake to try for a grand slam, so I gave it a go for 5 hours on Friday and I was not disappointed. The lake was crowded, but my tactic was to stake out a piece of water, catch and couple and sit down for 20 mins, allowing them to get comfy again. It worked and the slam was accomplished!!! I got a bunch of rainbows first, then came the Snake river Cuttie, then the brookie, and finally the brown. The brookie was the best fish of the bunch at 14 inches and with a huge head. The flies were simple... a size 14 parachute adams and anything in a red midge size 18 dropper. Seventy percent of the fish ate the dropper.

In all it was an amazing trip, I was able to spend some memorable times with my family exploring the Garden of the Gods, Royal Gorge, Manitou Springs, BV and Leadville along with the Omaha Zoo on the drive out, and I got to fish in heaven. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the pics.


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Great post man! I can't wait to move back out there.
Excellent report. I'd love to do something like that someday.
What a great report - some FFing motivation.

I think many of us have probably never fished high elevation lakes in the West. Looks like a unique and fun experience.
Makes me jealous as I sit in my cubicle and read this, good stuff man
SPECTACULAR! So jealous. Thanks for sharing!
Great report beautiful pictures.
Pm sent
That looks like just about a perfect trip!
Great pics, looks like an awesome time.
awesome report and great pics, thanks for sharing
Absolutely awesome. Gorgeous country and beautiful fish. I guess I'll have to just keep fishin' and wishin'. Someday ....... Maybe? Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Sounds like s great trip.
Thanks for the comments, and for those of you that want to take that trip, it can be really cost effective. With a little homework, the cost of travelling out there is the biggest expense, unless you choose to book a guide, which is not totally necessary. The campgrounds on the Federal land out there do not charge anything, and there are lots of people that DIY it out there. The fish are not hard, especially if you have been fishing in PA, where the pressure is heavier and the season is longer. Almost every little stream you see out there has wild willing trout, and aside from the midges, I don't think I tried to match a hatch all week.

Here are a couple more pics to include a 12 inch brown that my father in law was very proud to catch and a few more cutties that my wife took along with some landscape shots.


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Awesome! I've had a CO trip on the back burner for a few years. Can't wait to see it.
How did you get your equipment out on the airline or did you ship to your self?
I am heading out in August and I am wondering how best to the the fly rods out there.
Thank you