Color of Fly Vest and Waders



Sep 17, 2006
I have gotten some flack in the past for using a fly vest that is sand-brown and my new waders are tan.

I was wondering if this could be having a serious affect on my fishing. I do fairly well and I can definitely creep up on spooky fish (ie Valley Creek browns) but I still was wondering if this is scaring alot of the fish away.
Dear Wmass,

For more years than I can count I wore Orvis Clearwater waders that were a pale bluish-green color. They had absolutely no effect on fish that I could tell.

Color is an excuse that people trot out when they don't catch fish. I've wore a white t-shirt with a neon chartreuse hat and caught plenty of fish. If you wade carefully and move slowly color is a non-factor.

Tim Murphy :)
We have offically run out of worthwhile topics.

Fortunatly the Fish Comission can be counted on to screw somethign up in the next few days once again giving us somethign to talk about.
I think this is a worthwhile topic. I do think that dress color can affect fishing - although stealth and approach are still more important. In large waters where you're silhouetted against the sky I think light colors are better. I like white for saltwater flats. In most PA trout streams your back is to darker vegetation and I think darker colors are better. Sand colored or otherwise earth tone shades are probably a good compromise. With regard to the colors of waders I think that dark colors will blend in to the watery background better than light ones.
Believe what ever makes you feel good about your success or lack of.

Tim is right.

When I fish in State Game Lands during the various hunting seasons I wear a blaze orange cap and bandanna. Some of my best days with spooky wild fish has been on orange days.
Hehe I remember several years back Cabelas used to sell "water camo" waders. They were blue with a little wave pattern on them. They must not have been a great seller since they arent in the catalog anymore.
Right on Tim! I think that color and cammo are completely unneccesary in most situations. A trout has a cone of vision of about 97 degrees, with a blind spot directly behind them. If you can patiently sneak up behind them, and you have any skill in casting, you can shoot your flies right into their feeding area and they'll never even know your there. So, why use cammo when you could stay out of their field of vision all together?

I do understand how cammo might be neccessary when fishing for brookies in small mountain streams. Not much room to cast there, so you have to get closer to the fish, and thus you may need to blend into your surroundings better.

For my 2c, I think that fish react much more to unusual shilouettes than unusual colors.
I prefer darker colors. The lighter colored vest makes me look fat. :-D
I can just see Farmer Dave asking his fishing partner:
"Does my @$$ looks fat in these waders?" :p
I fish the same way I archery hunt, slowly and blending with my surroundings as much as possible. I do fish mostly small streams, and I would agree on larger waters with longer casts color probably isn't an issue if you stay out of the fishes window of vision. I am a little older and don't prefer to crawl on my hands and worn out knees, so I believe the camo helps hide my clumsiness. I also do some widlife photography while I'm out. I am out of excuses for my camo now and besides I like it.
Become one with the forest, become one with the forest. :-D
My impression is that fish are spooked by at least these things/activities in this order of importance:
1. shadows;
2. flashes of light;
3. quick/sudden movements;
4. stomping on ground near shore or on creekbed;
5. color of clothing.

When it is convenient, I wear earthtones when fishing. But, my vest is light tan and my waders just a shade darker. I will usually wear dark green or other dark colors for my shirt sleeves, which is the only part of my garment that is visible from under waders and vest. My hat is dark grey. If I had no good reason (such as safety) to wear bright florescent colors, I wouldn't. No sense giving the fish another possible reason to become wary.
Waving your stick around and flashing a bright fly line over the fish false casting too many times is way more detrimental than wearing hot pink pants! The other guys on the river might just look at ya funny.
I wear an Olive colored vest and olive and tan waders and I still can't catch fish like I had hoped would. :pint: :pint:
I like olive vests and darker colored waders. An olive vest brings out the green in my eyes ;-) On a more serious note...I feel I blend into the surroundings better and if it works it works if not then so be it but I feel better anyways. I always wear camo shirts when fishing...but thats just the redneck I am!