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Sep 9, 2006
Don't overlook those streams close to your house. I have a "crick" next to my place. I maybe fish it once a year for fun. Over the years it has gotten cleaner. These last few years I have been seeing bass in it. I have not caught any yet but it beats the heck out of driving 30 miles to a trout stream.

I imagine that this has happened to cricks next to your house too. In the past few decades we have really cranked down on industrial pollution. As a result things are looking up.
Great point Ryan. I fish in beautiful Dahntahn and the Norside in the in the Ahia , Allygeny and Mon n'at.

Now I catch smallies all the time in these rivers. You would be suprised how many people think the rivers are lifeless. Of course the never take to opportunity to explore them. They just see them as they are whipping by at 60 miles an hour on the highway. It is a shame
Bruno wrote:
Great point Ryan. I fish in beautiful Dahntahn and the Norside in the in the Ahia , Allygeny and Mon n'at.

Now I catch smallies all the time in these rivers. You would be suprised how many people think the rivers are lifeless. Of course the never take to opportunity to explore them. They just see them as they are whipping by at 60 miles an hour on the highway. It is a shame

Next think ya know the Mon worf 'ul be swamped wit flafeeshermen...and the Alagayney will be elba ta elba. Dahn 'ere at Aberta clamenne park.

Nice gone Bruno...ya jag off! :lol:
I have a creek across the street from my house that I fish from time to time, and it is below a treatmetn plant. It has more Redbreasted Sunfish than is in the local park pond. The chubs can push 12 inches. Throw in some largemouth, smallmouth, and rock bass and you have a nice mix. Sometimes a little additional "nutrients" can be good for a steam.

Bruno and other Pittsburghers:
Do yinz fly fish the 3 Rivers? I was wondering what sort of set-up is needed and if they can be waded or if you need to float it? I was kayaking on the Mon and All last week and saw some bass rising early in the morning and thought I should've had my fly rod with me.
I would not recommend wading any of the tree rivers anywhere near the city. I have covered my share of drownings in those river s in my TV news days. They have nasty currents. From a boat I bet you could have some fun with the smallies, sure.