Clear Shade Creek



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Tried for some late hatching Drake’s but I think I was a few days too late. Saw only two coffin flies.

Not a very fertile stream but it’s beauty made up for it.

Such a quiet place and the weather was just right last evening.

Fish sporadically rose to small spinners the last hour or so of light.
That looks really nice. GG
It's a shame the water is so devoid of fish and life because you're right, it's a beautiful place. I spoke to the regional fisheries biologist and all those streams up there have the same problem. They originate in, and flow through mostly sandstone substrate. The reason the stream bottom is mostly sand. Of course sand is mostly inert, so, the streams have very poor buffering and low pH. Especially after rain/snow melt. The lower part of clear shade near the FFO stretch get's pretty warm in summer too since it flows through a lot of beaver choppings and has some still water from beaver ponds up from there.

They're [the 3 or 4 streams up there] mostly kept "alive" by trucks and buckets, though there are some wild fish in all of them. Not very many though, and I think a lot of them get hauled out on a stringer.

Beautiful scenery, but barely worth fishing. Good for a hike or to let the kids play in the stream. That's about it.