Cleaning UP PM Mailbox



Well-known member
Dec 7, 2006
Berks County, PA
I like to keep my mailboxes cleaned up. However I can't seem to figure out how to delete old messages in the conversations section on PAFF.

I select a message but don't see DELETE as an Action option.

Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for any enlightenment offered!!
So you can get into all your Conversations (Private Messages) from here:
Screen Shot 2022 10 29 at 125302 PM

Select: Show All
From there you will see a list of all your Conversations.
Conversations can be selected, then at the bottom, you can choose an action like deleting.
Screen Shot 2022 10 29 at 125532 PM
The option DELETE does not appear in the drop down on two different machines using two different Windows versions (7 & 11) and two different browsers (Firefox & Chrome).

This is all I see:

Boy I messed that up. I assumed that was the process and it is not. It seems I can not see any obvious way to remove conversations without adding a new add-on. I will look further on this.

cc: @Bamboozle
You can pick leave conversations and then ignore future replies and the conversation goes away.
I wanted to keep the 2 most recent conversations so I could only delete 18 at a time but it works.
Thanks Dave!
I'm completely perplexed at this. I kinda remember being able to do this when the first got turned on. It clearly doesn't support deleting conversations now. I am looking into if there is an add-on that I can get this worked out.
I just told you how to do it. And did it myself.
I have 20 coversations selected, some 6 years old and still don't see any option for deleting so I have no idea what you are talking about or how you are deleting messages...
select "leave conversation" then select "ignore future replies" see above. works, i deleted over 100 conversations.
That sure is a convoluted and not-so-fast way to get rid of old messages versus checking a box on the Conversations list and selecting DELETE from the drop down Actions like most messaging software...

...but it worked.



I wouldn't give up on seeing if there is a simpler and logical method because it is pretty clunky doing it this way, especially if you have a lot of messages to delete...
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That sure is a convoluted and not-so-fast way to get rid of old messages versus checking a box on the Conversations list and selecting DELETE from the drop down Actions like most messaging software...

...but it worked.



I wouldn't give up on seeing if there is a simpler and logical method because it is pretty clunky doing it this way, especially if you have a lot of messages to delete...
yes, yes it is. never underestimate a good work around. ;) I'm sure Dave will simplify it.

In the meantime I took the approach tomgamber suggested to at least get rid of most of it.