Clean your bodkin



Mar 7, 2013
With a lighter! Burn all that nasty build up right off then wipe it on a damp paper towel. Works great and leave a "case hardened" look to the needle.
Nice!! Scraping it with a razor blade also works pretty good as well.
I'm a burner too.
i scrape with a utility knife
I've burned and scraped before. I still do it if something gets leftover. That said, I saw someone somewhere on the suggest poking it through a cloth or old piece of denim while any glue or whatever is still wet and just wipe it off. It works well for me and seems to be quicker.
I just keep a small cloth on my bench, and wipe after applying head cement, etc. Never had a problem with build-up.
steel wool in a film canister is also good

My bodkin holder is an old film container stuffed with steel wool and small hole in lid. A few strokes every now and then keeps the bodkin clean.
Sorry nfrechet, did not see your post. Great minds think alike.
thats ok

we posted at exactly the same time