Classic Wet Flies



Active member
Sep 9, 2006
While experimenting with streamers for trout, bass, and saltwater dominates most of my fly tying endeavors, from time to time, it's fun to tie up some "classic" flies of different types, (salmon flies, Catskill dries, or whatever). Recently, for a FFing art history project, I had to whip up some traditional wet flies. Great fun. I can see how these flies really whipped on trout a century ago, Traditional wets of this style, in addition to having attractor qualities, can represent caddis pupae, swimming nymphs or just about anything. I'm sure they'll whip trout pretty good these days too.


  • Classic Wet Flies.jpg
    Classic Wet Flies.jpg
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I can't set a wing, much less marry one, but I absolutely love the way these things look.

Maybe next time I'm feeling experimental, I'll throw a cast of wets instead of nymphs.

I love the colours and designs of the one with the golden phesant tippet.
Beautiful ties.

I almost always have a wet fly on, but they're never that pretty and rarely have a wing.
now little one, try become a jedi.......


  • flies old 010.jpg
    flies old 010.jpg
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Very nice flies!!! The wet flies I have are not that fancy> I mostly tie the Sly Nemes soft hackle style. I really like yours.

Do you have a higher res picture? I don't see anything about them that make them better than Dave's.

I'd fish any of them.
Awesome flies Fish

I've attempted a few but none looked half as good as those.
Excellent ties Dave. Unlike some I've seen recently, the proportions are perfect. Heads are nicely tapered and not to long. Your hackle is right on instead of being to short or to long/to much or not enough. Your bodies are perfectly tapered. Your winging is excellent. Your ribbing appears tight and perfectly spaced. Superb work.

It appears to me, that you are well beyond "ordinary".:)
Nice ties from both benches :-D I learned to fly fish swinging wet flys. It's nice....keep contact with the fly and the fish hook themselves.

I think the only difference I can see between Dave's and Sandfly's are different feathers for wings. Other than that they both look awesome!!!!! Way to get back to grassroots. :-D Now get out there and fish them. I bet they'll work awesome.
sandfly wrote:
now little one, try become a jedi.......

Needs gut-eye to qualify for jedi-hood. :)

Can you even find blind-eye hooks that small? I've always wanted to try that out.

edit: Partridge only does blind-eye from 1/0 to 8/0, long shank.