Classic Salmon Flies

  • Thread starter FishingCreekEmerger
  • Start date


Mar 31, 2009
hey guys i am looking for 3-5 classic salmon flies to put into a frame and display. the only flies i have found on line are priced anywhere from 50.00 to 500.00. any suggestions on where to get these works of art at a pirce easier to swallow?
Tie them yourself. Talk to Fishidiot on here. He is a fantastic artist, and makes a few classics here and there, could atleast give you tips. If that's not your cup of tea, then check out his site. He is a regular on this site.
The simplest of these patterns take an incredible amount of time and skill to tye. They also can use some rather expensive materials. So, I'd say $50 is a very sharp price.
I knew they were intensive, but I wanted to just quickly refamilzarize myself with 'em when I read that, Pad.

So, I plunked in "classic salmon fly" into Google, and went to the first result where I saw "9/11 Tribute Flies."

My first instinct was to scoff at something so ridiculous sounding, that seemed, at first, to trivilize the history of the day, like so many other "tributes," just ham-fisted attempts to cash in on the notoriety.



Nope, never been so wrong in my life. Amazing what someone can do with a few dead birds and some string.
I'm not sure what amazes me more - the ability of some to tie a fly this intricate or the the fact that people are paying hundreds of dollars for these flies.

I may have to rethink my career path.