Clarks Creek



Jun 19, 2015
Getting one last trouting in before Browns are on their redds. I wanted to try somewhere new and came across Clarks Creek. Wanted to pick up whatever info I could before hitting the water (recomended flies, sections to be sure to hit, whatever). I was looking to throw streamers, how have you guys done with them on Clarks. Thanks
It's a smaller creek that is VERY clear and the fish are spooky. Careful approach is needed. Buggers swung near timber may work but nymphing with smaller stuff can be pretty productive. If you are going to the fly zone, be aware it's hunting season in the gamelands. The flow should be pretty low and leaves might be a problem in some sections. I'd look for riffs coming into pools and nymph the tail of the fast water down into the slower / deeper stuff.....guessing that's your best chance at success.
Thanks Kray. Sounds like I should leave the streamers at home if that's where I go. Can I get by up there with a three weight? I don't have the quiver the rod counters on here do, so it's the 3 or the 7. Where is the FF section on clarks? Thanks again for the info
I'd go a 3 over a 7 for up there. This link should give you a good location for the FFO section.
Don't forget to have some big ants in your box, #14ish will probably do the trick with these recent warm afternoons...
Thanks guys. Good call on the ants! What are your thoughts on Clarks vs Stoney? As I said before, this will be a first time fishing in the area. Thanks again.
Clark's is more popular, easier access and better stocked.
Stoney can be a long walk, is more secluded and 'out there' and might not be as 'good' of stream when it comes to the catching.

Most folks seem to prefer fishing Clark's...depends what you're looking for.
Clarks it is. Thanks.