Clarks Creek 10/5/14



Aug 2, 2014
I spent the afternoon with the Manada Conservancy and members of the Doc Fritchey TU Chapter at a learn to fly fish event for kids, which was held on Clarks Creek. We had a great morning showing the kids how to cast and tie. As the afternoon went on, the sun finally came out a bit, and some of the kids caught sunfish and largemouth bass out of a private pond nearby.

The members of the Doc Fritchey Chapter did a great job and it was great meeting them. I didn't even think to ask if any whom were present are on this forum.

We wrapped things up around 4pm, and I figured I'd drive upstream and finally fish Clarks. I haven't fished this creek since I was a kid, mainly because I figured it gets a lot of pressure, and heard it can be a tough stream.

I parked at one of the SGL pull offs, and headed to the creek. I was tempted to bring my shorter glass rod to toss dries at what I was hoping would be eager brookies, but not knowing how willing any stocked fish would be to rise, I decided to bring my long graphite rod in case I'd be casting weight.

I stood back before rigging up and saw the occasional mayfly and caddisfly, in addition to some swarms of tiny white midges which were maybe about a size 24-26. I rigged up a tan elk hair caddis with a size16 brown biot bodied nymph that's been productive for me.

I missed a strike on the caddis at the first riffle I cast to. The next riffle yielded a nice little brook trout on the caddis. I worked my way up and started working the seams of a deeper riffle. While my caddis was drifting downstream it immediately went straight under and I struck. A nice sized fish, considering the size of this creek, was on my nymph, and was quickly landed.

I kept working upstream and landed another small brookie, and missed a larger trout, unknown type. I was getting hungry, and was more than happy to catch a few on water I was told could be tough, so I headed back to the truck and ate dinner listening to the birds and whatnot.