Clarion river



New member
Feb 4, 2013
Hi all,

Looking for some info on fishing the clarion river. I understand that its kind of trouty from around johnsonburg downstream to nearly cooks forest. Anyone ever spend any time on it? Maybe a parking location to start my wade? I have cabin fever from the winter and would love to take a nice drive (through cooks forest) and put some time in on a river.

Thanks a lot,

Bring a jack hammer to get through the ice and then the trout should take any fly you present since they haven't seen open water in weeks. Cooksburg USGS gauge is showing all ice which I would assume goes for everything upstream. I was there a week ago beaver trapping and it was frozen solid in pools and fast water was all jammed up with ice chunks grinding past each other.

See page 66.
Thanks guys! I did read that article. Great read. Got me thinking about going there.
"30 inch trout are pretty common..."



Not entirely false.
It's a river with a good population of large trout but let's not get too excited.
I used to fish the Clarion a lot when I was in college at Clarion University. I fished the Cooksburg area a bunch just upriver from Cook Forest State Park. Pretty nice river. I targeted smallmouth and caught a lot of them in that area. I never did encounter a trout there in that area. I've been interested in fly fishing the "trouty" section of the river, too. I can tell you that by the time you hit Cook Forest the Browns would be very few and far between and smallmouth dominate the river there.
I have a camp along the clarion near Halton. I've never caught a 30inch trout nor have I seen one. However, over the last 15 years that I've had the camp, I've caught 13 trout from the river between 24 and 27inches which I imagine would make me just about as happy as a 30incher.