


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
Heard a rumor that the cicadas are due to hatch this year. What is your go to fly for these guys?
Aren't there different species of cicadas?
I usually use a Cicada pattern.
Cicada patterns, do you use realistic patterns or suggestive patterns?
In 2008 I fished Greg Hoover's Cicada pattern on Spring Creek. What a great time that was. Too bad they won't be back until 2025. His pattern worked very well. I found the pattern in a copy of the Mid-Atlantic Flyfishing.
I find that the cicada pattern matches the cicada well. That or coachmen
Smart asses!!

Here ya go: Hoovers Cicada.

Fished a similar pattern the last time with very good success. Thing I noticed about cicadas on the water was how they seemed to land our their backs with wings spread out.

JH - That's the pattern I use, except it's Loren Williams' pattern (not Greg Hoover's).

Easy, durable, and effective tie.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
JH - That's the pattern I use, except it's Loren Williams' pattern (not Greg Hoover's).

Easy, durable, and effective tie.
Thank you Ed. I did'nt think that pattern was Hoover's. It's close but not the same. I tied Hoover's pattern last time and they were very effective.
I like the C-13 pattern tied here. It is a relatively easy tie and to me looks more like a cicada and less like a Pixar studio reject than the typical foam monsters.
^^I agree Mike, Hans is like a good song writer. The man has endless patterns, incredible.
Here are 2 Cicada patterns I've started to tie. I found them last year towards the end of the year, so haven't really tried them on the water. I did mess around on the South Holston River in Tennessee in June & almost got a nice brownie.

here they are:

YouTube Cicada

Another YouTube Cicada
Thanks guys
Heritage-Angler wrote:
JH - That's the pattern I use, except it's Loren Williams' pattern (not Greg Hoover's).

Easy, durable, and effective tie. for the lazy/uninformed.

He a bunch of good tutorials, definitely worth the time to browse through.
Ok, now that I'm sufficiently worked up about the cicadas coming on after reading the three threads on it I was wondering what size hook works for our region? I've found size four and a 2xl #10. Does anyone have a wet pattern for these guys? Thanks.
lv2nymph wrote:
Ok, now that I'm sufficiently worked up about the cicadas coming on after reading the three threads on it I was wondering what size hook works for our region? I've found size four and a 2xl #10. Does anyone have a wet pattern for these guys? Thanks.

In my experience with the 2008 hatch, I found the bugs weren't as ginormous as some people may think. A #8 or even a #10 dry fly hook worked well as that was about the size of the body. The wings add some length to the bug.

Do a google search for patterns and you see a lot of similiar flies tied with foam and deer hair as primary materials. Pattern really didn't matter when i fished this hatch as long as it was fat and black the fish it it hard.
