Christmas in July



Dec 29, 2008
Santa delivered a little slice of heaven to me this week. Got myself a 590-4 z-axis and a Evo Lt. Been eyeing this setup ever since i casted the Z at somerset last January. This should be my all around trout rod for years to come.

Took it out for an hour before work this morning for its baptism in the little lehigh. Man this thing is sweeet. I know everyone has their opinions on rods, but this fits me very well. Exactly what i was looking for. Couldn't be happier. Feels good both to cast and to play fish. Was grinning from ear to ear the entire hour. Special thanks to H.A. for his help during this process.

Here is the first fish on the new rod.

Oh ...and fwiw - stream temp 64, some tricos in the air, but still too early for the spinner fall - just sporadic risers, 3 fish caught this morning all on size 18 simple trico nymph (thanks again LL for the pattern)


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Having met your wife's resistance to buying tackle, I'm not sure what you had to sacrifice, but I'm sure it was great.

Enjoy it. :)
Awesome. Mine's on it's way!
Congratulations Steve!

Nice way to break it in, too. I'm so happy you finally got your dream rod - you deserve it!

Does this mean Mrs. trowpa is gonna greet me at the door with that butcher knife? :lol:

BTW - Happy (Belated) Father's Day! ;-)
Ha! No butcher knife - she realized I sent her and the kids to Disney without me enough times that I had this coming :)

And thank you for the father's day wishes. (I did get your card!)
afishinado wrote:
Great rod. Good luck with it! Ed's da Man!!
Yup Ed is definitely da man :pint:
Wait, which Ed...?
That's a nice first fish.
Fished with trowpa today, and he actually let me fish with his new setup for a bit. Only one word came to mind - SWEEEEET!!!

Here's the proud owner of that new setup:


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Wait, he got a Corvette, too? Man, that must've been alot of Disney trips...
Moral of the story:

If you have a nice rod, you don't need a Corvette. :lol:
Y'all take fishing way too serious, give a Cortland and a Porsche, please; I'll make do.
The moral of the story has nothing to do with fishing. Sort of. :-D
Some people have Porsches, some people have twins.

Will trade kids for car...
Very nice set up. All you've got to do now is hook one that show your the backing and see how the drag is on that reel. :)
Andy - I'm hoping to find one like that in September :)
We will try and get you on one that takes line and turns your hair grey. I've had that same rod for a year and have only used it 3 times. I need to dust it off and put it to use.