Christmas Day Largemouth



New member
Aug 6, 2012
I finished my 1st year using only a fly rod and had the best time ever. I went after everything with the fly rod...every body of water I could fish. I had the most fun ever.

I always thought that catching largemouth was over in early November, but I can't give up on fishing for them or anything else. My son and I went to a small pond and I took the fly rod along. I caught two bass around noon on Christmas Day. The pond was half iced over, but I fished the open spots.

Six-weight rod and a black leech pattern stripped really slow along the bottom sealed the deal for this one. Despite the cold water temperature, she fought tough and it took me a few minutes to get her in.

I can't make it through the winter without fishing...I hope for a mild one!!



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    Christmas Day LMB.jpg
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Well done Weaves! What a neat report and glad to hear you've got the FF bug.

Honestly, although I definitely love bassin, I don't usually consider small ponds in late December as ideal for FFing. Nevertheless, as you've discovered, fish can indeed be caught (bass bite under the ice all winter long although it can be very slow).
Good choice of fly too.
Thanks...I'm blessed to have a son, and he has the fishing gene. We fish more than my wife thinks is normal for any human. Every body of water we see becomes a potential spot to hit.

We went out today in search of smallmouth and while the snow made for a few awesome pics, but we got skunked.

The best part of today was being with my son.


Pic from today...


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Nice bass, congratulations. Large mouths are what started my ffing journey. That's a beauty of a pic too.