Chinese Bamboo rods



Well-known member
May 26, 2009
Have any forum members ever bought any of the Chinese cane rods I see advertised on various websites? They look very nice. Nice looking cork, reelseats, wraps. The write ups say they are built to tapers of Garrison, Leonard, etc. For a couple hundred bucks I'd buy one if they were cosmetically appealing and had a decent action.
Have any forum members ever bought any of the Chinese cane rods I see advertised on various websites? They look very nice. Nice looking cork, reelseats, wraps. The write ups say they are built to tapers of Garrison, Leonard, etc. For a couple hundred bucks I'd buy one if they were cosmetically appealing and had a decent action.
Yes, I have a Headwaters that I purchased around 20 years ago when I was just getting into bamboo (and didn't know any better). It was one of their 1st models an 8' 5-6wt. I had to have the ferrules reglued but otherwise it's been fine. It's definitely a medium action but not at all a noodle, it casts pretty well. The rod maker that did the ferrule work for me said that the cane work looked good, not heirloom quality but ok for fishing purposes.

I still use it on outings with dicey conditions (bad weather, bushwacking) and on the D for smallies (not going to cry if I ding it with a conehead). My son also used it a fair amount before he went off to school in the city, the action was very forgiving when teaching him to flip cast and roll cast.
Some of them are pretty good, but quality varies from rod to rod, even the same taper from the same maker.