Chicken farms


Oct 26, 2006
I just bought a full cape from Collins Hackle company. Its a smaller cape, loaded with #20 thru #14. I decided on a barred dun. This may be the finest cape I have. I love Whiting, Hebert & Metz But this Collins product has impressed me a great deal...
Agree. I bought one neck a few weeks ago. Gonna check them out at the Fly show tomorrow.
How does this hackle compare with Whiting for tying parachutes? I've heard very good thing about Collins for tying catskill style dries, but wasn't sure if the hackle was as dense as Whitings, something that I really look for when tying parachutes.
Where do you find/order it?
You can find Charlie's address and phone number in this article. He does not have a website or email address, but I've heard that he is extremely helpful and friendly. Also, for any fly tying junkies (probably everyone on this board) the article here is really interesting. Just goes to show how much effort is has taken to get to where we are today in terms of quality hackle and how it just keeps getting better and better.
This thread reminds me of one of my favorite Seinfeld exchanges:

George and his parents are having dinner with George's fiancee's family (the Rosses)
FRANK [George's Dad]: "Let me understand, you got the hen, the chicken and the rooster. The rooster goes with the chicken. So, who's having sex with the hen?"
GEORGE: "Why don't we talk about it another time."
FRANK: "But you see my point here? You only hear of a hen, a rooster and a chicken. Something's missing!"
MRS. ROSS: "Something's missing alright"
MR. ROSS: "They're all chickens. The rooster has sex with all of them."
FRANK: "That's perverse."

😛 😛 😛 😛