Chestnut Ridge Trout Unlimited members



Active member
Dec 3, 2006
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Wish my chapter would do something like this as I sometimes think leadership just wants to "be in charge" and not really keep in touch with members. Last year, the Stream Work Day was communicated 2 days before the event via email. I guess they think people can drop every thing....

I see the constant communication from Chestnut Ridge and Spring Creek Chapter, on places like Facebook, that I wish I lived closer to either because you guys really do it well.
Dave, if you don't like what your local chapter is doing, I would check out the state council and the regional aspects of Tu. It's been my experience they appreciate any assistance as many Tu members do not participate with or are aware of state council. many opportunities to work with other chapters exist even though you aren't local. I live in Harrisburg but still work with CRTU on a number of items. You don't always have to get your feet wet to work on stream projects.

Chapters have their ups and downs. I am kind of excited about some of programs The current leadership of CRTU are compiling. One is the Yough symposium slated to be held next summer. However, it's still hard to get member participation. The annual picnic this year was canceled because no one showed any interest in attending. For a chapter which has over 470 members this seems somewhat disappointing. Also the 2014 annual banquet was somewhat of bust so all is not perfect. pm if you would like to discuss further.