Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
I haven't seen the report yet, but it sounds like things are moving forward:
Rant: I just love the environmental propaganda in this country. These environmental spending "plans" for the bay are hilarious, more studies to find more solutions! They know what the problems are-just fix them, they aren't going to get any cheaper and/or any easier. Every time line est in these plans are broken and nothing ever gets done. I am not trying to down play ANY thing that has been accomplished by independent groups or organizations. Its the federal money hungry states like PA are just jerking everyone with ignorance. The so-called Chesapeake 2000 Agreement was supposed to begin "fining" states in 2010 that have not reached the established goals in that plan, what has happened? NOTHING. Instead, make a new plan and ask for more money.
just wait till all the frac water ends up in the bay!!