Check yourself before you wreck yourself..



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
..or at least your drift.

I think I am a better nympher and wet fly fisher than dry guy.

Been trying to work on it more this year- thankfully have had a little more time than 2-3 weeks to clear my head to work on it.

Ok, back to task.

Recently, have been setting up in casting position several yards or so upstream and doing downstream reach casts to drift over fish. Been working out great for me.

Also, kinda added some check casting action to the cast and it is also been working out good. (you know where you kinda tug back your cast to create some slack or s curves or whatever you call it)

Anyone else find this downstream reach/check casting approach? Any other suggestions for improvement.

It's great to see improvement in hooking up.

Good luck to all fly anglers.
Sounds like you have the dry fly presentation tricks down pretty well. Long and short, a drag-free drift, up or downstream without lining the fish should do the job. Your "problem" with dry fly fishing may be more with your expectations than with your technique. Rarely do you get a strike from every riser you cover. Those magic days rarely happen Paul. Although the last hour fishing on the Little J last weekend came close!
i like to use what they call a tuck cast it gets the fly to land first and doesnt create too much slack to where hook sets are impossible

check this
FnF- you use this for nymphing or dry fly fishing ?

I am familar with this tactic for pocket water nymphing but not for dry fly fishing- just checking.
Presentation and fly selection are two things that I've found to be key elements of success when dry fly fishing. I too cut my teeth and learned the FF basics with nymphs.

Get to know the insects better and use something from your box to match at least 2 of three categories: size, color and shape. Use the rule of 3 when choosing your tippet size too. I've recently discovered furled leaders, man can they turn over a dry fly! Give one a shot if you haven't yet tried one.

I'll recommend Meck's book-Pocketguide to PA Hatches to learn more about entemology and the recommended fly patterns to match. Real good stuff.

Sounds like you're well on your way with presentation and casting technique. Hit the dry fly fishing hard and don't get discouraged even if you don't catch a fish. Like Afish said, those "magic" days are a rare occurrence.

Good luck!
downstream presentation is pretty much all i use, i`m usually at a 45 deg angle at my target then throw a reach cast and then as the fly is on the water, start feeding out line, ya get a nice long drift,
well i fish alot of pocket waters but i do use it most of the time i dryfly fish my nymphing skills are yet to be developed i think its my fly selection but it could be everything i do ok with floating nymphs this time of year