Check out my friends football....Oh, I mean Brown Trout



New member
Aug 9, 2007
Go to my blog and check out the story on a fish you guys helped point my buddy to. Thanks for helping him out. That is one thing I love about good forums. Typically just a bunch of good guys/girls who don't mind sharing how to do it better. You guys are the reason our sport will live on!

This fish was his first PA fly rod catch.......Spoiled son of a am I jealous!

Click on the link below to see it.
Awesome read flybum and what a great fish! Glad to hear things worked out and your friend is finding time to fish while traveling. I used to travel too and having time to get on the water makes the work trips much more enjoyable.

Love the blog, keep up the great writings!
I am the lucky guy who caught that fish. I tried to attach the photo of the fish to my posting but I am not a quick study on these forum formats. I posted my thanks on the general forum where I had learned about that stream, expressing my heart felt thanks and appreciation for the info. I tend to get overwhelmed with all of the different places to look at on this site.
For now I'll just keep watching and learning.

Again, thanks for sharing and showing an amateur fly fisher that there are true sportsman out there still.