Check out my first wild trout!! (make it 3!)



Active member
Oct 18, 2006
OK, so my goal this year was to catch my first wild trout. I went to the closest local stream that I knew had wilds in it (still 45 min away) and had to wade about 1/4 mile through a larger stream to get to it. The stream is mainly waterfall after waterfall, just beautiful. I come in low and lay a few casts out to the first pool. (mind you my camera is borrowed and the pic's didn't turn out so great) and I wanted a nice pic of the first pool, so I took out my camera with the fly on the water and what do you know, a HIT! that one I missed. I figured there's more to see than the first pool so I moved on. Second pool was among some large boulders. I snuck up behind one and see a nice 9" cruising the pool. Cast out and WHAM, first cast! He takes, I set the hook and 2 head shakes later he's off and spooked. The only fish I saw in the hole so I move on. Next run I see I crawl up to and lay a few casts out. 3rd cast WHAM! fish on! I pull in my first wild trout. measures about 8''. I was shaking. The most fun I've had since I started fly fishing. I managed a small one a few pools up and spooked many fish to the top of the stream (well atleast untill its dried out) On my way down I see a nice trout below about a 6 foot waterfall and cast to him from up top. Didn't see where he went so I cast again towards a small rock where he was going. He came up and nailed it, so I had to climb down to eventually net him. He faught hard but I won. Largest fish I saw of the day measuring around 10-11". The color on these fish were beautiful. Had a blast and am going back in 2 weeks. Thanks for all the help and advice I got from members on this board. Would have never done this without it.

Here's some pics of the fish and the stream.
Sounds like the sweet beginning of a long love affair. Congratulations.
Awesome pictures and really a great read. Congrats on a successful outing!

I'm happy for your success. There's nothing like a nice chunky wild fish tugging on the end of your line.
Good job, there three you won't forget.
Wonderful fish, congradulations. Once you see the beauty of a wild trout you never look at a stockie the same way.
Your the one hooked now. Trust me, its a sickness that can't be overcome, at least for me.
Dude- your hooked. I have got it bad this year too. Another voice is born for wild trout!! Way to go!!!! Paul
OOOOOH! You're in "big trouble" now! :lol: Your own family will call you eccentric. If you have a girlfriend, you may lose her when she finds you love the wild trout more. If you're married, you'll find yourself in the doghouse when your wife and friends want to have a card night, and you go fishing while they play pinochle. You'll spend tons of money on rods, reels, and other paraphernalia. You'll want to travel anywhere you know that wild trout live, and gas is a million dollars a gallon. You'll just have to read every book ever written that deals with fly-fishing, and the only TV channel that will mean anything to you is the Weather Channel. You probably won't even care who wins the World Series or the Super Bowl, and you won't want to waste Saturday afternoons in autumn watching Penn State or another favorite school play football. It's not too late! You can cure this "disease." Sell your fly-fishing gear now! But, if all the above doesn't faze you, welcome! It is a pleasant kind of madness.
A great example of why we love fly fishing for trout.
good job! u will be hooked for life now. the scenery, the peace, the beauty its all there. explore and find it. enjoy it bud ....enjoy it! :-D
Oh yeah, you are definitely sucked in now. If you play golf, you will give it up to fund your new habit. After I figured out I could easily buy a new rod every year for what I typically would spend on golf, away went the golf clubs. 6 hrs on a stream is WAY better than a 6 hr round of golf on a Saturday. Congrats and enjoy!
Simply wonderful! What flies did you catch them on? And what wt rod did you use?
Even if wild trout are small, the beautiful fish live in a clean paradise and are so wonderful to catch.......... and release.
Congrats ! :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :hammer: :hammer: After I caught my first wild trout I gave up stockies all together and became a wild trout snob ....Hopefully it will be the first of many for you........congrats