Cheating or Tactical?



Jun 9, 2009
To me this just seems like a tactical kind of fishing. When i was at the Fly Tying Symposium i saw a kind of beadhead shaped like stonefly, mayfly and caddis heads. Is this cheating? Or is this just a better way of improving your fly to look like a natural? I bought them and must say they do look really cool when tied into a fly.

if a fish isn't bothered by the giant metal J coming out of a fly's #censor# and is willing to ignore the big bundle of knotted mono or the line of going up to the surface, it's probably not going to stop and look for eye bulges, either.

You're dealing with a creature that has a pea brain. As long as it has the outwards appearance of food, it must be edible.

You bought gimmicks.
I didnt think of it like that. You are right, they can be pretty dumb. But some fish do get very smart to flies on heavily fished streams. I wonder if they would work better on "smarter" fish, such as fish on the D. They see a lot of flies, and get pretty picky sometimes.
seems to be an evolution in bead design to catch the fisherman not the fish

what about all of the plastic body parts available to fly tyers?



we are after all in the art if imitating the natural to achieve one purpose: fooling and catching fish (or maybe fisherman/fly tyers)
Two aspects of fly tying / fishing jump to mind...
First is enjoyment...if you like it or think the beads are interesting, then enjoy! There is no right way or wrong way to tie. I have my own preferences based on how I like to see my flies and how I like to fool fish.
Second is confidence... confidence is so much a part of fly selection and fly fishing... If I have confidence in a fly, it will catch fish! If you open up your fly box and the flies with the shaped beads just say "I will catch you more fish!" Then it was an investment well worth it.
Experiment and have fun with it!
The art of fly fishing is the holy grail of seperating anglers from their money. But if you tie because you like the looks of something have at it. It's meaningless to the fish though no matter how many flies they see.
fisherboy3 wrote: But some fish do get very smart to flies on heavily fished streams.

I disagree with this statement.

I fish Spring creek a few times a week and its one of the heaviest fished creeks in the state. I still catch bunches of fish on the usual patterns.

Pheasant Tails, muskrat nymphs, adams, light cahills, etc.
fisherboy3 wrote:
I wonder if they would work better on "smarter" fish, such as fish on the D. They see a lot of flies, and get pretty picky sometimes.

No, they're fish. Brain the size of a pea. You're anthropomorphizing them. They're stupid, they eat cigarette butts and chewing gum.

Molded facsimile cannot be used in FFO sections. I wouldn't use one there, but I can't believe it really makes much difference.
Mario, spring is a one of a kind stream in the state. No other stream would fish that well with that pressure.
I agree with Allan. What about Valley? or the Letort? those fish are hard to catch and are both pressured.. I fished the Roaring Fork out in CO a few years ago and one day we only had one fish on a full day float. The guide said that was really odd as well. We later stopped in a fly shop to find out that the Fork had 66 boats on it the weekend before, and we were fishing on a monday. So pressured streams do get harder to fish. IMO.

Oh and Gfen,
Cast a Cigarette butt or a piece of gum to fish on the Delaware and tell me how good you do! LOL
If your premise is true.... Fish see same fly over and over and then don't eat said fly, GFens advice would be good as I am guessing they haven't seen too many cigarette flies. ;) IMO pressured fish not eating is more a function of being spooked by bad presentations etc., not seeing the same fly.
The Letort, pressured!? I live very close by and barely see anyone there. In regard to pressure, I think once they have a day or two they get back into it. Its why I rarely fish on a Monday.
I guess I would say. Who cares?
Rules what rules anything goes.If you can tie it to a hook all is fair.Its how you use it when the problems start.
Presentation is the key to catching fish. You can tie flies with link, cat fur or any other material and if you present in properly, you will catch fish.
Just my 2 cents.