Cheapest Material Storage


New member
Oct 7, 2013
Hi Guys,

Just wondering if anyone has any really cheap material storage ideas. Currently I tie on a portable tv table and store my materials in a cardboard box which is not ideal at all. I think in the future I will try and build myself some sort of desk, but I was just wondering if anyone has any good idea to cheaply store materials and keep them organized.

Ziplock bags. If you are game even spring for the slider kind.

Other than that plastic drawer containers are pretty useful.

If you have a discount shopping store check there before Walmart or a craft store. Somewhere like Ollie's or BigLots.
Redneck Tupperware, AKA butter tubs. I keep my fluffy feathers in there so they don't get mashed.

I use a mason jar box flat with the 12 slot divider. Everything is upright and I can see what I want.
sterilite plastic shoe boxes

94 cents at target or even walmart
Eventually, you will find that you accumulate a lot of certain materials by virtue of their being highly versatile, reasonably cheap, and available in a multitude of colors. For the overwhelming majority, they will be in identically (or very nearly so) sized bags.

For these materials, it is well worth your time and effort to find a container that allows you to store all of them vertically, like files in a drawer.

For my tying material menagerie, this means marabou, strung hackles (one each for neck and saddle), and (especially) dubbing. For the marabou and the dubbing, I've found that the boxes my sneakers come in (Chuck Taylors) are absolutely perfectly sized for these bags, meaning that I have two shoe boxes that not only hold all of my marabou and dubbing in one place, but store it in a way that allows me to see the entire selection at once.

For the dubbing, the only things I have separate from the box are my plastic box assortments and a few tiny bags of exotic/specialty dubbing. I've arranged them by color, roughly according to rainbow order, to help me not only find the right color, but also to help suggest good blends.

Aside from this suggestion, my other big suggestion is to carve out a bit of domestic territory that can be permanently claimed as a tying zone. I know it's easier said than done, but having a fixed, dedicated location opens up so much more convenience, versatility, and possibility for organization. For example, the large organizers with dozens of tiny drawers are ideal for hook storage, but if they need to be portable, those things are usually more of a liability than an advantage...same goes for any sort of thread racks, shelves, or bins without lids.
I also like the plastic drawers and ziploc bags. For hooks, I've been using these from harbor freight. Another great option that I have not tried, but have seen recommended is to use baseball card organizers in a 3 ring binder. Works for yarns, dubbing, hooks, beads, and anything else small that will fit.
I have a bunch of Plastic baby wipe containers filled with dubbing, chenille, and yarns. just as long you don't mind winnie the pooh on the side of the box
I have a cheap portable tying desk that my dad cobbled together. It holds my thread, tools and such. I have 6 shoe box size Tupperware type containers. One for bucktail, one for fur, one for feathers, one for dubbing, one for chenille and flash and one for stuff that don't fit in the other categories. I'm not a hoarder or collector so this system serves me well.
For tying materials, I have a "tower" similar to this:


It holds most of my bulk materials in storage bags or loose.

For thread, hooks, wire, tools, etc., I have an ArtBin tote that has served me VERY well. I just grab the materials I want and the bin and I can tie anywhere.


Both of those items will cost you less than $60 and provide ample storage. Eventually you will run out of room (trust me on that one), but it should last for quite some time.

Pick up your storage bags from a place like the Dollar Tree. There is no reason to spend extra money on brand name bags at the grocery store.

The storage tower can be picked up at Wal-Mart, Kmart, Target, etc. The ArtBin may be a bit more challenging to find without ordering online. Perhaps AC Moore or Michael's may have it.
Check yard sales for plastic or metal containers. Old tin bread boxes and metal wine boxes are great deal and can be had for a buck or so. Dont forget to throw in a few cedar wafers. Dam bugs love deer hair.

I keep those small 2"x4' packets of dubbing, chenille, beads etc in folders in a 3 ring binder. If you check Staples or similar office supply co, they offer all type of inserts for binders to store materials