Cheap headlamps



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
Stopped at the Home Depot on my way home from work today, and found a really good deal on some headlamps.

They had a display in the main aisle with a two pack of headlamps for $3. They take one AA battery each, and they include two Eveready batteries in the bubble pack. The lamps are adustable vertically, and have a single head strap. There is a good sized switch that allows you to switch between 1 red LED, or two white LED's. They'll be perfect for fishing purposes.

Not too bad for $1.50 each! Just thought I'd pass this deal along...

They look like this, but it's only a two pack.

That sounds like a good deal. The biggest issue I have with headlamps is that they always seem to accidentally get turned on at some point once I am done using them and the batteries are toast the next time I try to use it. It happened to me atleast 3 times this year archery hunting. Pain in the neck getting down from your treestand in the evening and gethering all of your stuff in the dark.
Hertitage Ed is ON IT! I bought them last year. They work great! And if I lose one or break one - so what!
Can you say left-over from xmas.

If I didn't already have one I barely use, I'd pick this up.
They have a 5 pack for $10 as well. It uses 3 AAA batteries and has 5 LED's. Same strap, etc. The 3 batteries are contained inside of a "holder" that inserts into the lamp, so you can easily remove and store it so no accidental run down. I also carry a few extra batteries with me.
I don't own this one but it looks like a good deal for one from Orvis
nice price point.
wally-world has a single-use (read: super light, no aaa ) l.e.d.
headlamp for a buck-fiddy. i'll go through maybe 3 of those a year between camping and fishing.
Fredrick wrote:
I don't own this one but it looks like a good deal for one from Orvis

We are talking about $2 head lamps and you bring a $60 lamp marked down to $40 into the discussion? The hell you gonna do on a cloudy day?
be leery of the rapala ones at k-mart-bought one-doesn't work
jdaddy wrote:
Fredrick wrote:
I don't own this one but it looks like a good deal for one from Orvis

We are talking about $2 head lamps and you bring a $60 lamp marked down to $40 into the discussion? The hell you gonna do on a cloudy day?

Use the battery that was charged already plus isn't the point of a head lamp so you can see at night so i'm sure the charge last a long time . You can keep ur 2cent held light I have this one it comes with a built in red light
I went to Home Depot yesterday trying to find these headlamps. I figure it's always good to have a backup, and a backup to your backup for $3. Couldn't find them anywhere! I searched for a good 20 min and was just about to walk out and found about 4 left. However, there were 4 in a pack marked for $7. I went to check out and they were $4. So my deal was better than yours HA. lol

I bought a $30ish Cabela's one a year or two back. Its got a gigantor 4xAA battery pack, so I only take it with if I know I'm going to need it.

Which is why I never have it when I need it, like when my glasses plunge into t he bottom of a 3' run at 4:30pm in the middle of December.

I like the idea of these little ones, I may have to buy a pack to have on me at all time.
I prefer a red light for on stream and beach and a small flashlight for walking to the water. Fish can't see red at night looks black and is easier for your eye's to adjust.
Don't buy cheap head lamps ! You get what you pay for and they can make the diff between a good day and a bad day.
Bruno wrote:
Don't buy cheap head lamps ! You get what you pay for and they can make the diff between a good day and a bad day.

Really? What is your suggestion?
Bruno wrote:
Don't buy cheap head lamps ! You get what you pay for and they can make the diff between a good day and a bad day.

A cheap light in hand is better than the best light at home.

HA gave me one at the show yesterday, in return I gave him a hard time. Its a fraction of the weight of my "nice" one, and will be a boon in an emergency.
"A cheap light in hand is better than the best light at home."
Don't buy 44 mag.for hiking-same logic.
pete41 wrote:
"A cheap light in hand is better than the best light at home."
Don't buy 44 mag.for hiking-same logic.

.37, .38, whatever it takes.
gfen wrote:
A cheap light in hand is better than the best light at home.

That was my thought process as well. I'll keep a couple of those cheapie lights in my vest and wader bag - I can't lose ALL of them, and one of the darn things is bound to work!
@ gfen lol - nice pull w/ the Mr.Mom quip.