charlie meck`s patriot



Sep 9, 2006
i was just curious if anybody here ties and fishes charlie mecks fly the patriot, i know its an attractor pattern, he raves about it in his books, but i don`t know anyone who uses it
I have a few in my box and have had some limited success with them. It's one more fly to try when nothing else is working. You can see Charlie tying one up here:
I've used them as a single dry fly with little success. I've also used them as an indicator on a tandem with a dropper with a fair amount of success. Maybe they attract a fish which then turns away only to find the dropper?
I’ve had good success using the Patriot tied Wolff style in larger sizes (8 – 12) in fast moving riffles and rougher sections of water. I don’t hesitate to tie one on in these situations.

In slower waters tying it standard style I’ve had mixed success with more success on smaller sizes (14 – 18).
I like how he whip finished the fly, never saw anyone use the bobbin like that to whip finish. I usually half hitch, but that way looks pretty easy.

Also when tying my royals I wrapped the red section of the body after I completed the fly, never thought to do it while I'm tying it like Charlie did.

Learn something new every day.

Wasn't the original recipe with peacock rather than krystal flash, and blue thread at the back of the body?
try a lincoln the fly to go against the Patriot..
Size 12 without the hackle works great for bluegill. Same thing for the Royal Wulff, no hackle or red band.
I always have a few with me, but I like a brighter blue than the smoke blue and sizes 14 and 18.

Joe E
I've used them for brookies--they take them. I like Royal Wulffs better though.
Can you post a picture and recipe for the Lincoln
I have never heard of it
Googled it and nothing
I think Charlie tied that fly for his fishing buddy Dick Cheney, who he also named a pool after on Bob's Creek in Bedford county near blue knob and Pavia.......wonder if he fishes with secret service agents all around.....not real fond of either of them but then Dick did shoot a lawyer in the face, got that goin for him.
This is the Lincoln, a fly I came up with...
Hook #12 dry
Tail- moose body
body- copper flash-a-bou
Hackle- brown and grizzly
Wing- white calf body
The patriot looks like the royal wulff which is an excellent dry on waters like the Madison[riffles-]-in late summers on overcast days-real specific-but the reason is the famous salmonfly[stone]has an orange body and red seems interchangeable-the spinners return sporadically all summer-so some dismissed as attractor flies can in actuality be meant to duplicate naturals in the right place-
I've had some success using the Patriot. Stopped by Sandfly's shop on Friday and picked up a few of his Lincolns. Thanks again for the switch rod casting demo Sandfly.
I've only had success with it on wild brookies, which will hit nearly anything that gets their attention. I kinda like the look of it, but it's so flashy I'm almost embarrassed to use it.