Charlie Craven's Mole Fly



Sep 13, 2006
I finally found a good use for my leftover CDC with clipped tips. Charlie Craven's Mole Fly. Thanks Charlie!

Nice, appreciate the info.I save my cdc too, just hate to throw it out! Really, it's not hording just being thrifty. :roll:
I save mine and keep them on a little pile in my tying area. Then I clean up my tying area and ask myself, why the heck am I keeping this, and throw it away.
SBecker wrote:
I save mine and keep them on a little pile in my tying area. Then I clean up my tying area and ask myself, why the heck am I keeping this, and throw it away.
You left out the step where you sneeze and the bits fly all over the room.

Great look flys Beeber. I tried these a couple of years ago with some success. They don't work for me as well as loopwing CDC emergers, but they are a heck of a lot easier to tie.
I used them this past summer in a black and peacock version and did fairly well with them.
FrequentTyer wrote:
SBecker wrote:
I save mine and keep them on a little pile in my tying area. Then I clean up my tying area and ask myself, why the heck am I keeping this, and throw it away.
You left out the step where you sneeze and the bits fly all over the room.

Great look flys Beeber. I tried these a couple of years ago with some success. They don't work for me as well as loopwing CDC emergers, but they are a heck of a lot easier to tie.

Or cough or just breath.
Don't you guys keep the little zip loc baggies beads and other materials come in? Perfect for this kinda thing.
CDC can be chopped and spun - and you don't need one of those expensive marc petitjean tools, a clear binder clip from staples and a foam block with a slit in it.

i've done it with just a little waxed thread and some care.

it makes great buggy bodies on small flies - scuds, sow bugs, walts worms etc.
