Change the Yough for the Better



Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008
I'm moving this up from Fly Fishing Locations because I feel it's important and needs input from those of us who care about the Yough.

Inthedrift posted a link to an article about the USACE seeking public input about environmental and recreational subjects to consider during the master plan revision process.

This is a chance to perhaps change the management/water release schedule to be more friendly toward the cold water fishery. The reservoir currently runs out of cold water in August. It doesn't have to.

Comments can also be submitted via email to or mailed to Youghiogheny River Lake, 497 Flanigan Road, Confluence, PA 15424.

Comments will be accepted until August 7.
Thanks for the heads-up!

All of us who care about the Yough ought to follow up on this.
Comment sent. Thanks for the link.
Comments sent.
Even yinz guys who don’t fish the Yough, or ever care to, can still comment on behalf of a cool water fishery. It may eventually one day help alleviate some pressure from a stream you do fish.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Comment sent,
hopefully it will be heard
Done and good luck! Its worth the time and effort.

To Whom it may concern:

Please consider revisions to the Reservoir's Master Plan to incorporate changes to releases that will allow for a constant release of cold/cool water from the reservoir into the Youghiogheny tailwater in an effort to maintain a not to exceed water temperature of 68 F during the summer months, as far down river as allowable.

Sustained releases of cold/cool water from the reservoir are essential to the trout that live in the river below the reservoir. The ability to maintain a 68F water temperature as far down river as possible will greatly improve the ability of trout to survive, grow and thrive, as this is an important resource to local and out-of-state trout fisherman.

Your consideration to implement changes to meet this criteria are greatly appreciated.
Thank you LR.

There ya go fellas copy, paste, send.
It can't be any easier.
DO something for the good of the sport we all love so much.
Also sent. Thanks LR. Used that template and added some.
Sent. Lets see if this helps the Youghiogheny going forward.
My response in too.
And thanks to every one else for helping out on this.

Even though it's for the most part, a stocked fishery - It's still the best trout steam on the yinzer side of the state IMO
And well worth trying to improve.
dryflyguy wrote:
My response in too.
And thanks to every one else for helping out on this.

Even though it's for the most part, a stocked fishery - It's still the best trout steam on the yinzer side of the state IMO
And well worth trying to improve.

Agree! Thanks to all. The more noise we make the better the chance of a water-release schedule change.

We still have another week to let them know enough of us care.

It is beautiful water. Deep. Powerful. And even though fingerlings and adult fish are stocked, some grow huge and very strong (thanks in part to the always heavy water flow.) It's been the only river in PA not connected to Lake Erie where a trout has taken me into my backing.
Done! The Yough is a treasure and should be maintained as such...

Little bump for this thread. I just sent in my comments. The Yough is truly a special place. Hopefully USACE will take our concerns into consideration.

Thanks everyone.



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Deadline for comments is tomorrow.

Here is the Yough Master Plan...pdf.
Thanks to all who have taken the time to comment, and thanks to greenghost for putting this on the main forum. Speak now or hold your peace for another 10 years!