Challenge for The Kid



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA



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Lol - thats mean :)
Utah’s challenge is much easier than CA or NV’s that’s for sure. It’s probably on par with WY as they also four natives.

Helps anglers understand about native trout.

I’ve communicated with Tyler Coleman who is a biologist student at Utah State and is helping run the WEstern Native trout initiative. Nice guy and very enthusiastic.

That organization in cooperation with Orvis and gave away 2 high end rods to 2 guys that completed 6 and 12 native program since May this year.

Afish- someday I will line up my pictures with these natives-

Native trout

1. Brook Trout- PA

2. Apache Trout- AZ

3.Arctic Grayling- MT

4.Mountain Whitefish- MT

5.Bull trout- WA , MT

6.Steelhead Trout- CA

7.Golden Trout- CA

8.Columbia river basin redband- OR, NV

9.Northern Sacramento River basin redband- CA

10.Fort Rock Basin redband- OR

11.Harney Malheur Basin redband - OR

12.Catlow Basin redband- OR

13.Warner Lakes Basin redband- OR

14.Goose Lake redband- CA, OR

15.Chewaucan Basin redband- OR

16.Upper Klamath Lake Basin- OR

17.Chinook Salmon- WA

18.Coho Salmon- WA

19.Coastal Cutthroat- WA

20.Westslope Cutthroat- MT

21.Yellowstone Cutthroat- WY

22.Snake River Finespotted Cutthroat- WY

23.Bonneville Basin Cutthroat Trout- WY

24.Colorado River Cutthroat- WY

25.Greenback Cutthroat- CO

26.Rio Grande Cutthroat-CO

27.Lahonton Cutthroat- CA

28.Willow Whitehorse Cutthroat- OR

29.Humboldt Cutthroat- NV

30. Cuttbow- MT
Atlantic Salmon- NY
Smallmouth Bass- PA
Snook- FL
Barracuda- FL
Ladyfish- FL
Largemouth Bass- FL
Striped Bass- MD
Tilapia- FL
Palomino- PA
Wild rainbow- PA
Wild Brown- PA
I'd recommend a trip to maine then the maritimes for native landlocked salmon and atlantic salmon. I believe maine also has populations of char in a couple remote ponds. Another easy native would be lake trout in lake ontario / niagara river. You could probably catch 20 native lake trout in a weekend in the niagara river in novemver averaging 14 or so pounds.

I'm not a big lake trout guy they get in the way of steelhead but they are native and easy to catch. Lake Trout in lake ontario were supposedly extripated in the 50s and restocked but im not sure I totally believe that. Not much is known about natural reproduction of them there but based on the huge numbers and huge size that move into the niagara river each fall and stay there sometimes until the 4th of july I'd say there is plenty of natural reproduction.