Cedar Creek in Allentown



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
I'll be through the Lehigh Valley in July and was wondering if the Trico hatch was holding up in the 12 or 15 years since I was there last. It was a favorite of mine over the 7 (7?) years I lived in Bethlehem in the late 90's , early 2000's. Cedar's Tricos usually kicked in later than the Little Lehigh's and that's when I should be around there. It didin't have much in the way of habitat and the fish were never more than a foot (usually closer to 9 inches), but I loved that little stream.
I walked along the stream a couple of weeks ago. The good habitat is still sparse, but the stream had good flow and in my limited fishing experience stays quite cold even on 90 deg+ days.
Went there the last two summers after not fishing it for a while. Tricos were sparse but there were occasional risers. They may have been taking midges, but trico patterns worked for me. Little fish and only located in a few decent holding areas. Most of them were tough to cast to. I walked a good distance each time to observe the fish/bugs. Not great by any means, but give it a try.
To Mike and CLSports points, the cover and other good habitat is sparse. I caught some fish the last time I was there in the winter. Find any undercut banks, and there are small concentrations of fish. I took a shot at a 20+ inch fish with a midge that had just edged out enough from a footbridge to be visible, and I unfortunately put him down, so the babes are coming from somewhere...
...sounds like Cedar. Not much changed. I did see how Parks quit mowing (scalping? shaving) right down to the water.
It would do well with some strategic rock placement.
To Mike and CLSports points, the cover and other good habitat is sparse. I caught some fish the last time I was there in the winter. Find any undercut banks, and there are small concentrations of fish. I took a shot at a 20+ inch fish with a midge that had just edged out enough from a footbridge to be visible, and I unfortunately put him down, so the babes are coming from somewhere...

Agreed that they are in there, but not easy by an means. I saw a nice one sitting in the main channel closer to Cedar Crest Blvd. Unfortunately he also saw me and it was "game over". I have no doubt that if you could time a rain event right with a streamer you could produce some nice fish from that stream. There may not be a ton of them, but they're definitely there! As far as tricos on Cedar goes, I haven't caught that hatch yet. TBH, I've had better luck on Saucon than the LL or Cedar when it comes to tricos.
I wasn’t suggesting that there aren’t trout in there and it may even still be Class A since the habitat has always looked pretty much the same to me over the decades. It’s just a stream that at least from Cedar Crest Blvd to the “lake” is a small BT stream characterized by marginal habitat and I’m betting that angler caught fish are typically in the 7-8.5” range. Larger fish will be under the occasional bridge crossing or other form of occasional larger fish habitat. Habitat is better a bit upstream as I recall from the past and it’s certainly better in its Class A trib. It’s a great stream to fish when you want to cool off on a summer day, have low expectations, and just have the itch to get out.
...sounds like Cedar. Not much changed. I did see how Parks quit mowing (scalping? shaving) right down to the water.
So, there's a limestone spring creek flowing through public land and its badly managed and that mis-management negatively impacts the stream.

We've seen that all before, it's nothing new, but at some point people need to tell them that it's not acceptable. It's not OK.
It’s a great stream to fish when you want to cool off on a summer day, have low expectations, and just have the itch to get out.

100%! Pair a visit to a stream like this with other activities in the Lehigh Valley and you have a good day. The fact this stream stays so cold in the summer is a blessing, and as you mentioned, a great place to wet a line on a hot day.