
Jan 22, 2007
Can anyone recommend a good source for CDC?
A duck's butt. :-D

(Sorry, I don't have anything constructive to tell you, just couldn't resist the smart@$$ remark.) I just get my CDC from any flyshop I happen to be buying from. I'm not sure if there is a particularly good quality CDC you can get anywhere, but if there is, I'm sure somebody here can tell you.
I prefer a duck's butt ;-)

When I don't have any ducks around I go to TCO or cabelas.

Learn about the different feather types as well. Use google to find out, I don't have a link handy at this moment.
Holy crap wulff man. I'm sorry for the copyright infringement. I didn't even read your post. Sorry bout that one.
That's OK, Jay. I just thought yours was a follow-up comment to the previous posts. I guess sick minds think alike!
Reminds me of a card that I once got for my grandfather.

"It is said that great minds think alike................. Does your *** itch too?"
Cabelas. You can get a big bag for real cheap and the stuff works fine. By the way, I love CDC!
Like Sage

They have great puffs for underwings and in several colors. AA Outfitters in Bleakslee is a distributor of Trout Hunt products