cdc caddis



May 16, 2007
Someone was telling me that they recommend a cdc caddis over an elk hair caddis. Is it more effective than the elk? Also, How many feathers do you use for the wings? All the patterns I have seen just list it as the material but not quantities. Does this mean that you only use one feather then?
I prefer to use cdc puffs... But I don't have too many of them so I have two methods of tying these flies.

The first is to tie the feather in by the tip, with the stem facing back. Then fold the stem forward and tie off and trim. The wing length should be about the same length as an elk hair wing, and I like them to be relatively thick.

The other method is a bit more messy and wasteful, but ties a nicer wing...

take two long feathers and hold them together by the stems. Run your fingers down each side of the feathers to strip the fibers off, trying to keep them properly stacked. I often used hackle pliers to keep them together. Keep stripping feathers and adding to the stack until you feel you have enough and tie in as the wing.

Here's some pics to show you about how thick to make them:

I prefer them over elk hairs for picky trout, but you can't beat the highly visible EHC for pocket water or mountain streams.

Attched is the recipe, photos, and tying instructions for the cdc & elk. It's a great fly for both caddis and mayfly hatches as well as a good searching pattern. The long cdc fibers floating and moving on the surface might be the trigger. Give it a try in any size or color that you would tie a regular elk hair caddis. It works and is simple to tie.
Purchasing CDC type 1 & 4 feathers - where is the best place to get your money worth of CDC feathers? Is there a brand that you would recommend?
It's not very cheap, but Cabela's has them in bulk packages.

I've always gotten mine from local fly shops and found that a $4 pack lasts quite a while for my needs.

Also, I save the extra scraps to use as dubbing for emergers. I haven't fished them yet but I think the "air bubble" effect might be nice.

That, or your local duck pond... :)
Speaking of the duck pond thing, if you want cheap CDC find someone you know that duck hunts that would be willing to part with a hide.(I dont know if hide is the proper term, but you get what I mean) I got a bunch of it off a neighbor of mine the other year and I use it on all of my emergers and I pretty much only use cdc wings on my caddis patterns on selective fish because it allows the body of the caddis to sit further down through the surface.
do all ducks produce this? What about geese? Do you get this from the breast feathers?
It's the oily feathers on their rear end. I'm not sure about geese.

not too much, but it covers the important points.
The inventor of the CDC & Elk is a European tyer by the name of Hans Wellerman. Here's a link to his description of the fly, a link to his article on the various types of CDC feathers is on that page also.
I tend to use CDC winged patterns during a hatch and a palmered EHC afterwards as a teaser.
The CDC pattern is a 2-3 minute tie.

Hook- 16-20 1X-short dry fly hook.
Body- Antron dubbing or something with a little sparkle.
Wing- 3 of type-2 CDC feathers. Butts clipped similar to an elk hair caddis.
Thorax- med. brown or ginger fur.

1)Starting at the bend, dub a body 80% up the shank.

2)Even the tips of 3 CDC feathers and tie in. Don't snip off the butts yet. (If you want, you can add a very sparse amount of white hi-viz or similar on top the wing for visibility.)

3) Dub fur and make a few turns around the wing tie in point and a turn or two under the wing butts to stand them up a bit.

4) whip finish and clip the feather (and yarn) butts similar to an elk hair caddis.

Frogs Fanny helps keeps the wing dry.
I really like using CDC. Most of my caddis have a CDC puff under wing and elk hair for the outer wing. Trout Hunter (I think is the name) has great puff in several colors. You may be able to get them at the fly shop in Bleakslee, PA. Not sure of the rules reguarding fly shop names, just look it up on the PA Fly Fishing Shops link.
I'm all for supporting the local shops. With that said, I'll tell you that if you're unable to find the CDC puffs locally, check They've got over 10 different colors if memory serves me correctly. Good company to deal with if you can't find materials locally. Real nice selection.
i know that international anglers in robinson has a good supply of trouthunters cdc in quite a few colors for 3.50 for a bag
stonefly wrote:
i know that international anglers in robinson has a good supply of trouthunters cdc in quite a few colors for 3.50 for a bag

That's a great shop, the guys in there are awesome and have always treated me well.