Cat fishing



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
Not on the fly but i did some cat fishing on the perk and was able to land 2 big ~22-25inch cats in about an hour. They both hit a nightcrawlers. What i find odd is, i bought this $5 bag of "Cat Shad" bait. They said guaranteed to catch cats, specially formulated etc. The stuff stunk to high heaven and what i found odd is i got no hits on it. Any thoughts?
My thought:

Go and get your money back! They said it was guaranteed to produce and it didn't. End of story.
There are no shad in the perk. I'd bet that would work in blue marsh, or on the tully spillway. Cats aren't picky, but they know what they are looking for when they go out on the prowl.

Even so, go get your money back. I spent $5 on some stupid fake "power livers" last weekend with the same results. You can't beat dead minnows or nightcrawlers for catties.

Given that I live in the city, I do a hell of a lot of "slummin' it" with nightcrawlers and spinning gear.
Mute Flatheads mainly hit on live bait that stink stuff is mainly for muddy water and works on channels and blue cats down south
we used to use chunks of hot dogs...saw a show one time where they tied them to 8 feet of mono below a 2 liter bottle and tossed them overboard...then when the bottles would start to bob in the water they would take the boat and round them up as they bobbed...looked fun...they had about ten bottles drifting at a time...not sure it would be legal here but it looked fun on the mississippi...
Aren't there channels or blues in the perk? Channels are 95% of what I catch in the schuylkill.
I heard that called "jugging" and the term "trot line" was used often with this technique. I never heard it was illegal, but there may be a limit on the number of jugs allowed.
I got a rather large cattie today while carp fishing at the east falls bridge in Philly. I was throwing corn for carp. There goes my theories about em being the least bit discerning. I estimated him at about 6 pounds. My nicest yet above the Mason-Dixon.
JackM wrote:
I heard that called "jugging" and the term "trot line" was used often with this technique. I never heard it was illegal, but there may be a limit on the number of jugs allowed.

I think a trotline is a long rope with baited hooks every few feet that are left out overnight. Great if you are supplying for a restaurant, but sounds about as fun as gill netting. :-o Jugging on the other hand is fun, although I've only ever done it for snapping turtles.

My grandfather said that trotlining was actually fun. When a large fish was hooked, they usually had to physically wrestle it into the boat. I guess the waiting is the hardest part.
I like to use a mouse or cheese for cat fishing.
lol, you gouge live mice on fishing hooks?
How do you preserve the mice, and do you hook them through the lips or the tail?
I was being a smart alec-catfish fishing-lol
MattBoyer wrote:
JackM wrote:
I heard that called "jugging" and the term "trot line" was used often with this technique. I never heard it was illegal, but there may be a limit on the number of jugs allowed.

I think a trotline is a long rope with baited hooks every few feet that are left out overnight. Great if you are supplying for a restaurant, but sounds about as fun as gill netting. :-o Jugging on the other hand is fun, although I've only ever done it for snapping turtles.



we used to jug for turtles at a buddies farm pond in SWPA. We'd drink beer and ride the cable swing on hot summer days while the four jugs would stay suspended in the shallow end of the pond. Really only a dozen feet from the cable we were riding. When the jugs would bob we'd git in the boat and paddle out to it and haul them into the john boat. Them bad boys are mean...we'd get four or five out of the pond every year and collect them in a half of a 55 gal drum or big garbage can. We'd let the kids poke sticks at them and they hammer the stick and hold on...It was a real hoot.

We had a video of it once...All I remember from the video was the screaming of the girlfriends.
We had a video of it once...All I remember from the video was the screaming of the girlfriends.

I'll never forget the time when we got a monster that had to be pushing 60-70 pounds. We didn't know what to do with it so we took it to my parent's house and put it in the fenced in yard. Well needless to say, being 12 year olds on a hot summer day, we found something else to do and forgot about the turtle. Actually, we remembered about the turtle, but we forgot that my mom didn't know it was there. As it turns out, she was hanging out wash when she got home from work and something fell off the line. I just wish I had been there to see the look on her face when she went down in the yard to pick it up. She laughs about it now, but was not the least bit amused when it happened. Now all I can think is what's my kid gonna do to us? :lol:

i caught a huge channel catmixed in with the smallies on thurs fishing the skuke on thursday!! he grabbed a chart/ white clouser and actually tried to run with it!!! got a pic but need to wait till the disposable is full to post it

Try leaving chicken livers out in the sun for an afternoon before you go out in the evening. This really works if you can get past the smell. I have a couple of friends that dry heaved when I did it. But we caught a lot of catfish!!!!