Casts, casts...what to cast...



Mar 7, 2012
Hey Guys,

I'm new to the site and the sport, and recently got out on Sunday to give my first go at fly fishing. After watching several YouTube videos on various types of casts, and finding out that the roll cast should be a go to....I am finding myself a bit confused.

So, what I've figured out (and what YouTube has told me) is that you don't use a roll cast to change direction of your cast. Now this is where I get confused - lets say you're fishing a bank, and you are facing it from the opposite side of the creek. You want to cast out to let your fly float down from above the pool, through it, out the tail end, and then recast to repeat this process.

Another way to visualize, is to cast to 10 o'clock, drift through 12, end of target area at 2 o'clock, and now its time to recast back to 10.

If the roll cast is not meant to change direction of the existing line, how do you go about doing this?

- Jimbo
Jimbo - Assuming you've got limited room for a back cast, the easiest way to do this is to let the line float further downstream, and just cast it back upstream in one motion. This is sometimes called a water haul - it relies on the pull of the line on the water to help you load the rod for the cast.

If there is room for a back cast, just go into the back cast, and false cast while changing direction upstream. Don't try to make the direction change all in one shot, but rather cut it into pieces - like pieces of a pie.

If there is no room for a back cast, you can do a single hand spey cast called the double spey. In simplistic terms, you're just flipping the line upstream, and then doing a rollcast. This video explains it in detail, if you're feeling adventureous.

take a class or hire a guide..
Thanks for the tip Heritage! I'll check out that video when I get chance when I'm off company computers that block them =b

Govtmule, I would - and will! See you at the Jam later this month?
Just watched that video Heritage - EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thank you!
You're very welcome, Jimbo.

Just in case - when the water is flowing from right to left, the matching cast is called a "Snap T".

Both of these casts are very simple, and a lot of guys probably do them and not realize what they're called.

Hope to see you at the Newbie Jam!

Def don't miss the newbie jam you'll be set after meeting the gang!
Yup - I'll definitely be up there, see you guys then!
Jimbo - Valley Forge TU has a one day flyfishing school with some great classes and some really good fly fisherman who help teach casting and take you out for some guided fishing. Send me a PM for more info. It's held near Downingtown and we usually fill all of the openings each year. It's a fun day.
