"Cast and Blast"



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
I was anyone wondering if anyone watches "Cast and Blast?"
If not, I'll give you a brief overview... A gentleman (his name slips me now) flyfishes part of the show and bird hunts the other. I personally like the program however I have a few problems with the most recient show. And will never look at fly fishing shows, especially this one.

Now, I normally pick apart fly shows, and often wonder how these people are chosen to star in a tv show.

Anyway, in the last episode, the guide that would net the fish would properly revive the fish (great right). However it would take about a minute for every fish, which tells me that they would fight the fish too long to the point of exhuastion. The fights were so long that they cut out the middle part of the fighting (I know its for prime air time, but how long does it take to pull all your line in and have someone else net the fish).
Then a man that was with him took a few minutes to land a fish and couldn't actually land the fish, they made a joke about but when he finally landed it he squeezed it way to hard so it wouldn't slip out.
Then, he gave his "tip of the show" which was high-sticking. When he executed high-sticking and his words were articulated correctly, but as he was performing the skill, the rod tip was about chest high and after he hooked the fish (keep in mind the voice was added in during post preduction, so the high-sticking lecture was a byproduct of the fish) I noticed that his indicator was about 7' op the leader and the water was only 2' deep.
Then he taked about setting the hook as soon as the indicator moves or goes under and on the next fish the indicator was under and moving around before he set the hook.
Lastly, While fishing all of the guys would stand in the middle of the stream and current.

Basically in 10 minutes of a fishing show, there are that many poor ideas presented, what are they actually teaching. Yes, they commited errors that we all do on a regular basis, but shouldn't they have advisors to consult and why didn't the guide with teh fishers clue them in, and after hours of footage, and editing that's the best footage? I would hate to see the rest.

I will still watch the show, but will probably pick it apart even more :-D
I forgot one thing, not to nit-pick, but once when they landed a fish they did the old thumb in the mouth trophy hold like it's the bass master classic.
Not being a wise guy but I can tell you from being fortunate to be in the position the bigger trout need reviving no matter how much experience you have playing them.I found out that 8 pounds was the cut off point for tippet size even with streamers,move up to ten and the hits dropped off considerably.Since the take is usually almost straight downstream with current and rocks and snags to avoid you can't horse a 7 or 8 pounder.Sometimes 3 or 4 minutes was needed to revive.Rough when you wanted to keep fishing.
I think showing people netting each others fish is silly but I guess that happens.
I never floated for trout.
First of all, no one picks people to "star" in these shows...These shows are usually created by the "star' and they feed the beast until it actually gets to where you can watch it on tv. If it never makes it to tv, it just becomes a dvd you can buy in the store.

I've had fish take over a minute to revive..especially the bigger they are and its important to not release it until it has been properly revived. I really don;t know too many that "over fight" fish. The longer you fight it the greater chance you have of losing it. It makes a pretty boring show when you never land a fish.

Standing in the middle of the stream, where his indicator was...you really have no knowledge that would make any of those thing be necessarily wrong. The fact that you said they were catching fish says so...

They aren't teaching you anything...the fact that you watched and noted so many things says the show did exactly what it was meant to do..entertain. Watch teh 6 o'clock news sometime. How much of that is real usable information. Its all meant to entertain, period.

Don;t take anything yo ever see on TV too seriously. BTW what channel and time is this on...maybe my opinion will change. Its just that nearly 20 years of making TV makes me wonder why people take it all so seriously...its just tv.
Don't get me wrong, I love the show. But over a minute to revive 11" trout seems long. Standing in the middle of the current is never my first option to catch fish, however. To stand in the middle of a 10' wide stream with al lthe clearence in the world to cast seems wrong (but ofcourse the wader sponsers would probably pull their product if it wasn't being used.
I understand how the TV world works, and am entertained by the show. I'm just wondering when someone will step in and say, "Hey, you might want to set the hook when your indicator goes down and starts moving upstream next time; especially if you are going to narrate later about setting the hook."

I believe the show is on several times, but i seem to watch it on Friday evenings on the Outdoor Channel.
MK- my opinion of these types of shows is MONEY. Everyone needs to have it. Everyone wants it. If you are nuts about flyfishing or you think other lemmings are nuts over flyfishing and they will buy it. I would not read too my much into the learning part. They did it for the money and it worked for them as some sports network bought it. P-
We used to have a saying.."never let the facts get in the way of a good story..."
Actually this show is refreshingly honest.
I saw it this morning-it was pheasant hunting and trout fishing in Oregon.I loved the way they told it like it is.Lousy shots and clumsy hunters balanced by a lot of whitefish and run of the mill trout[for Oregon].
The fishermen were like most of us.Not the most graceful or nattily dressed.
Beats those Barrett fly fishing shows.
oops :-o
I to watch this show and I will say the same. Don't read too much into it. I like the show and shows like it more cause I want to see the places (States, locations and Lodges) that they go to and the types of fishing and accommodations so that I can plan to go there. I also saw the show that you mentioned and the funny thing is that the guy that couldn’t land the fish was the guide. That part was funny.

I too would certainly watch this or any other fly-fishing show on TV for that matter. The one show that was the most exciting for me to watch was ~I hope I get the name of the show right~ Fly-Fishing America?~with Joe Humphries in some eastern quater finals?? Just to state I am not really into competitive fly-fishing! But it was on TV and it was flyfishing. How could one resist? It featured Joe on one of our finest trout streams in south central PA. I have seen some of the "beats" they fished. (very expensive water now). But despite that, it was cool to see an area that I knida know on TV.