Carpin' on the Tully



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
NickR and I were originally going to fish Spring Creek yesterday, but with the heavy storms this week, conditions didn't appear too favorable. Instead, we hatched the plan to go carpin' on the Tully. Nick said he knew of places where the fishing should be good, so off we went.

This was the first time I fished the Tully, period. I knew kind of what to expect based on reports and hearsay. It was pretty much exactly what I expected: wide, flat, and structureless. Nick said it does have good dry fly fishing, so perhaps I'll pay a visit when that picks up and the water cools down. [color=CC0000]For the record, the water was 74 degrees in the Palisades area.[/color]

We fished upstream from Reber's Bridge and found pods of carp. I found one good sized pod that was hanging out underneath a tree and cruising a vegetation line. These fish, as can be expected, were spooky, but I think the tree in the water gave them the comfort they needed to come out to "play". I worked several different flies on these fish for quite some time. I was able to almost stand over them as I was only 12 feet or so away. I tossed a #4 olive conehead bugger into the weed lane and I saw a large fish tilt down and scoop up the fly. From there, the fish was on and I slowly got him out of the weed beds and into the main channel. He ran upstream and downstream, but I was able to keep him out of my backing. My 8wt rod handled the fish nicely and I felt well-equipped to challenge his runs. After 5-10 minutes, my ghillie (Nick) harnessed him with his net (the fish didn't really fit) and we were able to get him to shore.

Wow, what a rush. I'll definitely be chasing these guys again!


Nice job miller i'm guessing you are probably hooked on carp now. :-D
They certainly present a different challenge, that's for sure! I can't envision hooking and landing one on a small nymph...
They certainly present a different challenge, that's for sure! I can't envision hooking and landing one on a small nymph...

You would be surprised.....out west they use size 20 midges for carp!
Yeah guys catch them on REALLY small flies... I am not usually willing to play that game though, lol. Geo, it was a great time... I didn't realize you posted this up because I hardly ever frequent the warm water section... well not until summer anyways. The look on your carpin' face is great man. I will remember that one for a long time to come. When are we carpin' again?
Nick - I'd say the warmwater game is "on"! I love trout fishing as much as the next guy, but fishing on carp and other warmwater species is a no-brainer during the summer months.
I never go to size 20, but I catch most of them on 16-18 nymphs. Actually, I NEVER caught a carp on a big fly like a bugger.