Carp Video Like No Other



Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008
This video about fly fishing for carp in Japan (I think) is awesome on so many levels.

I'm surprised it's not censored...HI-OH!
Allot of Gefilte Fish in there, my grandmother used to put live ones in her bathtub, then make it
pro4mance wrote:
Allot of Gefilte Fish in there, my grandmother used to put live ones in her bathtub, then make it

Lol. You should've went fishing in her bathroom!
I first encountered this video quite a while back....of it is the one I'm thinking of. Lol...I didn't even open it. But if it is the guy in the river with the Legends of the Fall music playing then yes, it is so awesome.
Wonder what that rod weighs.
If carp consistently rose to dries in the US, I would never fish for trout. Plus, the screaming drag in the water technique looks pretty sweet.
Awesome! I'll take that anytime. Thanks!
Great video.

I found carp rising to dries one day in my life. I was taking a walk on a windy April day on a small river near my office and saw carp taking ants and beetles blown from the trees by the wind. I got my flyrod out of the trunk and had a memorable lunch hour. I have heard of carp taking dropping mulberries, but have only caught channel cats with the mulberry hatch.