Cape Cod, Sept 30 - Oct 2


Feb 15, 2011
Hey everyone. In two weekends, I'll be taking a short trip to cape cod. It will be my first time there and I was planning to do as much fishing as I can.

I made a stripping basket last week-thanks to those who made suggestions on my last saltwater trip report! As for flies, I'll have the standards: deceivers and clousers in white, chartruse/white, grey/white. I still want to tie a few gurglers or bangers for topwater as well.

I'll be staying in South Harwich, maybe a mile or so from the beach. I'm reading about good spots around Chatham and further north; but I was curious if anyone was familiar with fishing in the area, or had any tips.

Am I missing anything?
The entire cape should be good fishing during the time you plan to visit. I like Race Point up at the northern tip but you can fish a lot of areas. Access is somewhat easier up in the park. Nauset Beach is legendary for big stripers. Good luck with your trip.
Get the book Fishing New England (A Cape Cod Shore Guide) by Gene Bourque. It will give you everything you need to know.
sandeels, sandeels, and more sandeels.....
My aunt once owned a home in Chatham off Old Comers Road between Lovers Lake and Stillwater Pond. My brother caught the biggest smallmouth I've ever seen in Lovers. Both ponds have MONSTER largemouth, Chain Pickeral, and blue gills. Stillwater is open to the public, Lovers is private. Wish my aunt never sold the house, just a beautiful place to be.

Stop by the Squire Restaurant in downtown Chatham, they have amazing food!!! The Goose Hummock is a fantastic sporting goods store in Orleans. They might be able to give you some local knowledge.

Have fun!!!!
Well, I'm still on the hunt for my first striper. I fished primarily around the red river beach jetty/creek mouth in South Harwich. Thankfully it it wasn't a complete skunking tho...caught a bunch of little snappers with the biggest being around 13" (that fish fought hard). I fished as many tide stages I could, with 1-2 hrs after the afternoon high producing the best.

Friday morning, I also spotted a coyote about 50' into the woods near the house. The dog stayed on the leash after that.

Saturday morning, I fished Chatham inlet. After about a half hour on the water, I saw a commotion on the surface a few hundreds down the beach. I booked it down the surf to hopefully catch a school of fish, only to find a dozen or so seals playing in the water. Since I wasn't having much luck, I just watched them play for a bit. But the rain began to pick up and I got chased off the beach pretty soon after when lightning struck less than a mile away.

Midgeman, thanks for the tip...the Squire was awesome! Best seafood I've had in a while. It was a good weekend altogether and I'm already looking forward to a Spring trip.

You got it!!! The Squire is the $hit! I love that place and Chatham. Good luck next spring....
vcregular wrote:
The don't call it Bassachusettes for nothing 🙂 Have fun!

And they don't call the residents massholes for nothing, too!
That stinks that you didn't get into them Jay hopefully you will have some luck at one of the salt jams