Canoeing and FFing



Feb 13, 2011
i hear a lot about guys fly fishing and kayaking and canoeing. i have a canoe and want to know if i need it registered to go out on/do i need a license? some people have told me you only need it registered for state parks, which i wont be on. I will probably be in the lower section of Pine Creek basically where it enters the allegheny river in pittsburgh, its hard to bankfish/wade that part it as its 5'+ there. I dont have my PFBC book with me now. Would i be able to operate it by myself? or would my dad have to be with me all the times.. thanks.
if you use any sort of state operated launch facility, you'll need a state launch permit, which is available at state parks, 18 bucks for 2 years. if your using it only at private launches, you should be good to go. as for using it yourself, pretty sure if you're old enough to type stuff on this forum, you should be old enough to canoe. I've seen little kids floating down the slippery rock by themselves.

edit. oh yeah, ALWAYS wear a life preserver!! doesn't take much to tip a canoe, have a paddle wack you on the head, and drown.
Good advice from Biker.
The launch permit (or registration) is also required if you are in a State Park. I'm not sure about parental age requirements (I think it's 16?). Be careful on bigger rivers. I'd suggest practice FFing from your canoe in stillwater or slow, shallow streams before you take on a bigger river. Also, many of these rivers are much easier in the summer when flows are lower and slower.
ok thanks guys. Yep my dad wont let me out alone untill he thinks im ready which i think is very fair.