Can you help me I.D. and find this material



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
I have these TINY or maybe TINY 'rubber' striped nymph legs. I don't think they are the MFC grizzly legz or whatever. I have those. The ones I'm looking for are, or seem to be round cut. They are opaque, not transleucent. I think they are tan/brown striped. They are like 1mm diameter. They aren't 'span-flex'. They are probably a silicon material as they have great stretch and haven't dry-rotted over several years.
I don't have the packaging and I don't know what they are. I don't live near a well stocked fly shop with tying materials to paruse (puruse? peruse?) (THe Fly Stop in Oil City is adujsting their tying stock and it is/will take some time)
Any help?
I have adopted the Euro- thing. It's tough to 'tie' a euro bead nymph being a disciple of Don Douple and Dave Rothrock. As Kelly Galloup said, they lack 'soul'. So I add tiny "rubber' legs that I find easier than feather stuff, on the 14's and some of the sz. 16s.
I just caught my largest trout on Penns in 2 years on a sulfur version of this with the legs and it has cemented my confidence!
Belief is huge.
Anyway... what is this stuff?
Is it mini centipede legs? I hate having to buy a couple things with shipping and then have it be wrong.
I got J Stockard sz. 14 dry fly hooks and they were too short. Barely longer than my Daiichi 16s.
If you want a short shank 14 dry, it's the thing.
I saw those and was thinking maybe that was it.
I'll take a chance. I have to return the sz. 14 hooks anyway.
What about using the material the bass guys use for jig and spinner bait skirts? That stuff seems to fit the bill.
I got the legs. It seems to be the same material. The barring is different, not as small, but whatever. Close enough. My Euro-nymphs can continue to have the 'soul' that Kelly Galloup talks about.
I got the legs. It seems to be the same material. The barring is different, not as small, but whatever. Close enough. My Euro-nymphs can continue to have the 'soul' that Kelly Galloup talks about.
you got legs, but do you know how to use them