Can you cast as well blindfolded as you can without?



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
I know we have some casting experts that post. So what do the experts say about seeing your cast versus feeling it?
With some rods, it's easier to cast not looking than it is with others. Probably due to feedback the rod provides. For your average Joe, a rod like a sage LL would be easier to no look cast than something like a sage TCR IMHO. I'd say I'm looking at the target 95% of the time and I'm no casting expert.....just good enough to be dangerous 😁
I night fish a few nights on Kettle each year and at certain angles on many nights all I see is the reflection of a slight surface disturbances made by the line on the water if there is a little moon or starlight. I just look in the general direction where I am attempting to cast the fly, but never really see where the leader and flies land. Still, I think I have only ever stuck it in a bush on the other side of the creek once, have never hung it up on a back cast, and would never get an award for grace, maybe comedy but not grace, but the trout don’t seem to care.
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It probably depends on what the caster typically looks at while casting.

Excluding looking out for potential backcast snags, if they just look forward at the target, the answer is probably yes.

If they have the tendency to follow both the forward & the backcast, the answer is probably no.

I am in the former camp and have many times fished in total darkness listening for rises by ear, so I'd guess the answer for me might be yes.

I'll pass on trying... ;)
I practice with my eyes closed to help with feel and timing. Often fishing in the ocean in darkness so some practice helps.
Isn't only Justice supposed to be blind? Blind casting? To me it's like shooting a gun. Of course I'm OLD. GG
We have a pool and a pond. The pond will be good for you.

Cinderella story. Former drift-boat guide. Green Drakes swarming in his eyes, looks like he’s gonna flip a size 26 trico in there.
Cinderella story. Former drift-boat guide. Green Drakes swarming in his eyes, looks like he’s gonna flip a size 26 trico in there.
So we finish the eighteenth and he's gonna stiff me. And I say, "Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know." And he says, "Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness." So I got that goin' for me, which is nice.
Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it....
LOL....thanks for all those quotes on a Monday morning!!
Streamer fishing I’m okay if I fished there regularly or on the beach with some moonlight. Night white fly fishing I need good moonlight. Other than that I suck not worth breaking a rod.
Sorry I miss read your post I assumed (my fault) fishing, casting all feel for me (bamboo guy) assuming no wind free on the back cast no issues. Wind and over half a line no I need visual