Cambria County



Jun 5, 2011
Hey guys,
I know it's been awhile since I posted but maybe it will be a little more frequent now that I'm settled in. I relocated myself to Indiana then more recently Cambria county after being in Erie for years. I am looking to shake off the cabin fever of winter with some fishing. Anyone have any suggestions on places to try? I'm located just North of the town Northern Cambria, I'm thinking that it puts me close enough to the state college area to go there but I wouldn't mind having a place or two closer for weekdays. I know Peg Run and a fork of the Susquehanna are nearby. Also, if anyone is looking for someone to fish with in the area, shoot me a message.

Thanks for your help!
This is always a good place to check,
You got Chest Creek right in your back yard. Basically runs a long 36N and is stocked most places.

Turkey posted a great link as well.
I've actually fished chest creek in the past when I was growing up. I was looking for something a little more off the beaten path but I may just settle for driving out to the LJ instead.
If you ever want to get out locally, shoot me a pm. I'm only about 20 minutes away from you. I try to get out every weekend.
Head west into Bedford County now until season starts , Yellow creek has a nice Delayed Harvest after the season opens stop at Bobs Creek around Blue knob. Once the weather breaks i'd put you on some if you wanna go. If you head east into Indiana county Little Mahoning creek has a Delayed Harvest also and north a little ways and you are near Black Moshannon another nice DH.
I'll be heading to little mahoning soon, hopefully before the season
I know this is an old post but I'm a new member of the forum and I live in Northern Cambria and I've lived in the area all my life. I'm always looking for new people to fish with. Pm me if you're interested.